1 - Zayn

42 1 3

March 9th, 2015

I walked briskly in the mist. I felt the winds getting heavier and heavier. It was no surprise, it was about to rain in London. I just pulled my hood over my head, hiding my face a little as I did so. It was just a short walk from my apartment building to the parking lot, but that never stopped me from getting recognized. Everyone wanted a picture, regardless if they could remember my name or not.

I hated that, I thought as I unlocked my car just by pressing my thumb against the handle. Our true fans knew my name, but the average person I came across just knew I was one of five, from One Direction.

I started the car, grinding my teeth trying to work my nerves out. Hopefully the move I was about to make was gonna fix all of that. No longer would I be that guy from One Direction. I'd finally get to be Zayn. Maybe even zayn if I dared. Or if I was feeling daring, I'd be zAyN.

Fuck it, I thought to myself as I quickly maneuvered my matte black Range Rover out of the parking lot, I'll just be ZAYN.

I'd become engrossed in my thoughts during the silent drive to Liam's apartment. I chose that place to have the meeting. There was no need to meet at the studio. Management wasn't going to be involved, neither was Simon. Of course I'd be talking to them about it at some point, but that'd be the after math. Right now, the only people I needed to talk to were my band mates. They deserved to know first. I respected them that much.

Liam's place was only fifteen minutes from my own so I arrived quickly. Quicker than I was hoping. I still had no idea how I was gonna begin this talk I'd been trying to arrange for the last two weeks. It was hard getting everyone in one place all at one time. At first I thought that was just luck on my side, giving me time to get my story straight. But the longer I waited to tell them, the harder it got to tell them. I began losing my nerve around the middle of week one, but I kept it together, until now of course.
I was damn near shaking as I got out. My hands were so unsteady, I couldn't use my thumbprint to lock my car, so I just have up and pressed the button on my keychain.

I took deep slow breaths as I entered his building. Even deeper breaths as I stepped into the lift. I pressed the 21 and leaned back against the stainless steel walls. There's no turning back now, I told myself.

I considered that at one point. I'd say nevermind, then either Louis or Niall would say, what were you gonna say, then I'd have to make up a lie. A lie worthy enough to call a 5 out of 5 meeting, no managers, no producers, no lawyers. It was something important and they all knew that.

The lift pinged and my stomach dropped. I looked up and the green numbers at the top of the lift blinked. It read, 13. I took a deep breath, glad that I still had a minute or so.

The doors squealed open and a girl a few years younger than me got on. She was sporting something similar to a school uniform, a light blue top that had had the collar cut off with a navy and red plaid pencil skirt that stopped a few inches above her knee.

"Jesus Christ," She sputtered stepping onto the lift. "I've never picked a better day to be late for class."

"Hi," I said being as polite as I possibly could at that moment.

"Hello to you too, Zayn Malik." She grinned. "I won't even ask for a picture because I know you probably get tired of that."

"You're right, but I'll let you get three if you can name three songs that weren't singles." I said, deciding to have a bit of fun with her.

The elevator doors began closing. "Olivia, I Wish, and fucking Moments." She raised her hands in the air as she finished before the doors met in the middle.

An audible laugh rose out of me. The first real laugh I'd had all week. "You win." I said.

She clapped quickly before she pulled her phone out of a pocket on the side of her skirt.

"Okay, c'mon over here." I said, holding an arm out and gesturing her closer. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she snapped two of us on her camera app and the third on snapchat.

"God, you just made my day." She said gazing up at me. I could see her eyes beginning to glisten.

"Please don't cry," I begged her. "You're gonna make me cry," I shook my head as I balled my hand up into a fist.

"Sorry, I just, I'm overwhelmed." She fanned herself, I guess trying to not cry, but I didn't see how that would help. "Wait, why would you cry?"

Just then the lift slowed and the doors opened. 21, the green letters blinked and scrolled. I pressed the ground floor button, deciding I'd do a test run on this girl.

"Okay, listen, I know this seems like its coming out of nowhere, but I'm here to see Liam." I started.

"I figured," she nodded.

"The rest of the boys too. They're all upstairs waiting for me. I have an announcement to make." I said, letting a breath out before I continued. The girl was hanging onto every word that was coming out of me mouth.


"I'm leaving the band." I blurted awkwardly. My eyes were glued onto her face waiting for her to respond. It was like she was frozen.

"What the fuck, no. Zayn, I-" she exhaled then looked down at her hands, then back up at me. "I'm sorry, that was wrong. If it would make you happier going solo then you should do that." She nodded, but I could hear it in her voice she was getting choked up. "I'm sorry," she said in a whisper. She was crying again.

"Please, please don't cry," I sighed before pulling the girl into a hug. I probably needed it more than she did, no, I knew I did. She hugged me back, tight. It felt like love. I usually didn't get that feeling as I passed out hugs as I maneuvered through swamps of people screaming for my attention. She was a real, caring fan. I knew the occurrence was rare. "Sweetheart, what's your Twitter? I'll follow you to make up for it."

"It's @niallandbeau and I appreciate it, but that'll never make up for it." She looked up at me. "Just promise me you won't stop making music and just disappear. I'd just die Zayn. I'd die. Involuntarily or voluntarily."

I chuckled. "I promise, I won't."

The doors pinged for the third time, stopping on the ground floor. I stepped off the lift with her and pulled out my phone. I quickly pulled Twitter up and found her profile, quickly following her and sending out a tweet. 'Thanks for the talk xx @niallandbeau'

"All done," I said smiling at her. "Now, keep that secret until you see it's been announced. If you do that for me, I'll track you down and come visit you at school or something."

"You promise? That would be absolutely amazing." She grinned, with wet eyes.

"I promise, of course. I won't stop making music, I won't disappear, and if you keep your end of the bargain, I'll come see you, I'll even take you out for lunch or something. What's your name by the way?"

"Olivia Peters," she chimed.

"Alright Olivia, thank you again. Off to school now," I said giving her a wave. She crashed into me, giving me a crushing hug.

"Be brave, Zayn. Stand up for yourself and don't let anyone change your mind. You'll always regret it if you do." She mumbled into my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her again once more before she let go. She waved goodbye as she walked through the swiveling doors.


To whoever's reading this you can already guess what this is gonna be centered around. I haven't really read a fanfic about Zayn's resignation, but I'm sure they're out there. But here's my take on one. And btw, niallandbeau is my old Twitter handle, if anyone was wondering. Hope you enjoy.

tRuTh - z.m.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora