29 - Zayn

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April 29th

My mind was going crazy. I wanted to go out and look for her, but I had no idea where she could've been and New y York City was a big place.

My first thought was that she ran off to stay in New York. Then I realized how stupid that was, because she left all her stuff here in the room.

My second thought was that she ran off to find and be with this Angel character. I sat that on the heart shaped bed wondering if Olivia was capable of cheating on me. I had to come to my senses though. We had just had one of the best nights we've ever had together. She wouldn't do that to me.

It wasn't until she accidentally answered one of my phone calls that I found out I was half right.

"Let me make it right," a male voice with a slight Spanish accent said.

"Someone beat you to it," Olivia answered. My heart grew warm as she denied his advance.

I listened on, eavesdropping until I heard him ask if she loved me.

"So much," she answered without hesitation.

"Does he love you?"

It felt like my heart paused so that it too could hear her answer.

"I think he does. He treats me like a literal princess." She gushed. I hung up because at that point, I knew I had nothing to worry about. Olivia loved me and she knew I loved her so there was no reason, she couldn't be trusted talking to a male from her past in my opinion.

I was over joyed for her to get back. I just wanted to hold her. I finally found a girl that valued our relationship to the fullest. At that point I just wanted to make her happy.

I got up and began packing our things so that she didn't have to do any work. When she got back we could just enjoy our last few hours left in New York, maybe have a recap of last night.

I had cleaned the room and packed both of our suitcases and carry ons and even showered within an hour. When I stepped out of the bathroom in my towel, Olivia was sitting on the end of our heart shaped bed, looking worried.

"Hey beautiful, what's the matter?" I asked walking up to her and laying a kiss on her forehead.

"I missed your calls, so I rushed back." She started but didn't finished because she started balling. Tears were falling so fast and hard, her mascara began to melt and her lashes began sticking together. "I.. I went somewhere I shouldn't have and I feel so guilty."

"Olivia,  it's-"

"Zayn, I'm so sorry," she wailed as she kept crying.

"Olivia, listen." I took her hand down and brought them into my lap. She looked up at me and I wiped her cheeks with my thumb, only making the mess worse. "When I called you the last time, you accidentally picked up. I heard some things and I just want you to know that I love you too."

"Wait, you what?" She blinked a few times. "Wait, no, first off, I love you too." She leaned forward and pressed her plump lips against my own. When she pulled away, she asked again. "You what?"

"I heard a part of your conversation and what you said made me realize, you're the one, Olivia. You had every opportunity to cheat or choose him, but you didn't. You still chose me and you stayed faithful. I just, didn't realize how much you valued us. I do now and I'm glad that it's equal." I was beginning to ramble, but I knew sometimes Olivia felt like she liked me way more than I do her, and that wasn't true. "I'm glad to know we have the same kind of commitment to each other."

It was just hitting me. We'd both had an interaction with a person from our past and neither one of us deviated from one another. It was so early in our relationship and that's when most people cheat.

She was speechless. She just hugged me and cried... just like a fan at a meeting greet. I didn't know what to do or how to feel in that situation, so I just hugged her back.

AN: cute right lol something creepy is lurking around the corner haha. I have like really big plans for this book like you have no idea,  but yeah, if anyone decides to ever actually read this story, just know its about to get good. I just finished 31 and I'm dying

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