30 - Olivia

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May 11th, 2015

"Skipping class again?" Zayn said as he walked into my apartment to find me sitting at the kitchen counter with my laptop.

"Oops, you caught me," I said sarcastically. I was scrolling through my emails, drinking a cup of coffee when I clicked on an email from a Darrell Deans.

"What are you doing?" Zayn asked as we walked around the counter and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Just checking my email," I mumbled as I skimmed through the email.

Zayn noticed how much of my attention this email had, so he looked along while I read.

"Oh, I know who that is. He works for KCG Modeling." He said plainly.

"He says he wants to arrange a meeting with me." I mumbled as I kept reading. "He wants to talk about a contract." I looked up at Zayn. I needed to know how he felt and what he was thinking because I had no idea.

"You should go," Zayn nodded. "This could be the answer to your little college dilemma."

"Yeah but modeling though, that's never something I saw myself doing." I shrugged as I pushed my laptop away from me, leaving it open. "I mean look at me,"

"I'm looking," Zayn said. "I see model written all over you." He came closer, putting my face between his hands and pulling me in for a gentle kiss. "You can do anything you put your mind to," he whispered before pushing his lips against mine once more before stepping back. "Now get ready for school or email him back."

"Zaynnn," I whined, dragging out his name. "Please," I poked my bottom lip out. "Please don't make me be responsible today." I stood from the chair and hugged him tightly, squeezing our bodies together.

"Olivia, get dressed."

"Or," I looked up at him and smirked. "I could get undressed," I brought my hand to the front of his jeans, playing with his belt buckle.

He stared at me, debating on whether to let me win or not. "Liv, come on." He said quietly.

"Zayn," I murmured as I let my hand go down even further. When I found what I was looking for, I began rubbing.

He let out a breath, as he shut his eyes for a second.

Suddenly, my feet were off the ground and I was being tossed over Zayn's shoulder.

"You're going to class after this," he grumbled as he carried me down the hallway.

"If you say so," I giggled, patting his butt as he carried me down the hall.


"You ready for class?" He asked after collapsing onto the bed after round three.

"It's noon, Zayn. My class ended three hours ago." I chuckled lightly as I tried to even my breathing back out.

He gave me a glare.

"I don't wanna teach," I said pulling the sheets over my top half as I sat up.

"Well model,"

"I don't wanna model," I sighed.

"How do you make money? I can't believe I've never asked you this," he sat up and scooted close to me.

"I do make up."

"Can I ask you something else?" He said softly.

"Of course," I looked up at him. The daylight breaking through my soft pink curtains gave my room a glow. It was almost hypnotizing to look at him. He could ask me anything and I'd answer.

"It's super personal," he warned. "If you don't wanna answer you don't have to. Just remember, I love you, I'm not here to judge, but like I've told to before. I just wanna know everything about you."

"Okay Zayn, what is it? You're scaring me."

"What's the money situation between you and Trish?"

"Really, all of that to ask that?" I laughed a little.

"I mean it's really personal,  but I'm just curious,"

"It's fine, but what about the money situation, specifically?" I asked. There were dynamics.

"Like who pays bills here?"

"Trish," I answered.

"So what do you do with your money?"

"Well Trish makes me put every dime I get into a savings account that I can't open until we part ways."

"So how do you buy things?" He asked, getting confused.

"Well, Trish gives me a card linked to one of her bank accounts. Trish has so much money, I can't even begin to explain."

"What does she do?"

"I cant answer that one," I shook my head.

"If I guess, will you tell me?"

"That's not fair, I don't want to have to lie to you Zayn. I haven't so far, I don't wanna start now."

"Okay," he sighed. "How much money does she have?"

"A lot, a lot," I answered.

"Like more than me?" He asked and I nodded. "More than like me and Harry, together?" He asked and I nodded again. "Wow, okay, more than like-"

"More than like you, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Niall put together, plus like Miley Cyrus." I said.

Zayn chuckled. "And to think Harry thought you were a gold digger. Technically I'm the gold digger in this relationship."

I laughed too. "Oh my God, that joke was so me, I guess my 'dark sense of humor' is rubbing off on you." I said quoting him.

He shook his head and laughed more. "I love you, Olivia." He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. "Thank you, for being as honest as you could. I'll just have to ask Trish myself, huh?"

"If that's what you wanna do, I can't stop you." She shrugged. "I will say that once you know, you can't like, un-know, and I just want to remind you that I don't do what she does, I do make up."

"It's that deep?"

"Yes, it is that deep."

He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. "Okay, I'll let it go for now," he kissed me again and I damn near melted in his arms. He left a trail of kisses down my face that led to my neck, where he stopped and began sucking.

"Don't you think I have enough hickies?"

He chuckled against my skin. "You're right, I'm sorry. Just wear turtle necks for the next week or two."

"Turtle necks in May, that's so high fashion of you, Zayn." I rolled my eyes as we laughed.

We collapsed back onto the bed in a naked pile underneath the sheets. I was laying across his chest with his arms wrapped around me and his legs entangled with mine.

I could feel his heart beat. It was beating so fast, but so was mine. 

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