13 - Olivia

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March 30th, 2015

I woke up to the sound of someone ringing my doorbell like their mind had gone bad. I dragged myself out of bed, fully ready to curse whoever it was the fuck out, but when I got to the peephole, I saw my happiness standing on the other side. My anger immediately dissolved and a smile rose to my lips.

Good morning," he said as I pulled the door open and he practically fell into my arms. "You look like you just woke up, don't you have class in twenty minutes?"

I nodded sleepily in his arms as I held onto him. "I wasn't planning on going, honestly."

"I think you should anyway," he said as he laid a kiss on my forehead. "Wouldn't want your grades to slip,"

"I know but I hate it," I whined as he began gently pushing me towards my room.

"I hated being in One Direction but I did it for five years." He chuckled slyly. "You only have like two years left and you're done."

"You really hated it that much?" I asked him as I stopped fighting and walked towards room with Zayn in tow.

"More than you hate going to class,"

I almost felt guilty for loving One Direction so much now that I knew how much Zayn hated it. Everyday he woke up living a lie, pretending to love his life.

I sat down on the bed and motioned him to sit with me. "Are you happy now? Like, now that you've separated from the band?"

"Yup, and I'm sure once my album drops I'll be even happier. I'll be on the moon when I release my single." He began grinning and I could see the excitement glistening in his eyes.

"Single?" My eyebrows damn near jumped from my face.

"It's a paradise and a war zone," he sang in a buttery tone. "It's called Pillowtalk. It's the beginning of the rest of my life. This record is about to change things."

"I'm so happy for you," I said throwing my arms around him. I squeezed him tight and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

I was getting so comfortable around him. Before I usually wouldn't initiate contact first, but something just changed and it was okay. My hands really didn't sweat anymore, I still got butterflies, but I was hoping those would last for a while.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He smiled sweetly, before dropping his gaze. "Word is getting around about my single and I guess Harry caught wind. He texted me late last night, congratulating me. He said he couldn't wait to hear it."

"He's a snake, Zayn. Don't trust him. You already read him, you know what he's about." My stomach turned as I thought about Harry trying to sabotage Zayn.

"I know. I didn't reply." He looked up at me and smirked. "It's nice to know you worry about me though,"

"Of course I worry. I've been worried about you since before we even met in person." I said, opening up for him. I could feel my hands beginning to shake.

"What were you worried about?"

"Your well being and your happiness mostly. Some of us could tell something wasn't 100%." I said. "I could anyway,"

He was quiet for a while. I could tell he wasnt ready to talk about that just yet, and I wasn't gonna force him either.

"We don't have to talk about it." I leaned into him, wrapping my arm around him and laying my hand on his chest. "Just know I'm here when you're ready."

He wrapped his hand around mine, laying a kiss on my forehead. "You're perfect, Olivia."

"Not as perfect as you,"


I let Zayn pick my outfit for class out and he ended up dressing me like him. He picked out a pair of light wash skinny jeans, with a red button up. He also picked out a leather jacket and black Tims to go along with it, then added a rose gold Rolex that Trina had bought me one time.

"I usually don't wear this anywhere, especially not to class. I feel like I look like I'm trying too hard." I said as he finished clasping it to my wrist.

"No, you just look like you have money." He chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with it, and it looks good on you." He stepped back and took a good look at me. He began pulling out his phone. "Let me get a picture. I could add this to my portfolio if I ever become a stylist."

"I look like a mini you." I said as I posed for the pictures.

"It's cute," he said, half heartedly admitting he did it on purpose, in my opinion.

I rolled my eyes, not able to wipe the smile off my face. I grabbed my backpack and shoved the homework I didn't do inside, before slinging it onto my back.

Zayn and I left my bed room and walked into the kitchen where I began started rifling through the fridge. He leaned up against the counter and watched.

"Did you eat this morning?" I asked him.

"Not yet," he said. 

"Good," I took my backpack off, as I devised a plan to make breakfast instead of go to class.

"No, no, no," Zayn said as he picked my backpack up. "I'll get us something on the way there." He saw right through me.

I sighed as I closed the fridge and walked towards the door. I didn't even reach for my backpack, I let him carry it since he wanted me to go to class so bad. 

We left my building at 9:00, a whole hour late for class. I had another whole hour and a half minus how long it took Zayn and I to eat breakfast.

He opened the door to the matte black SUV and I got in, still a little pouty he was really making me go to class.

But then I watched him walk around the car with my backpack on his back, realizing Zayn Malik, the talented boy I'd spent years fawning over was making me go to class. I sat back realized how lucky I was.

tRuTh - z.m.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang