22 - Olivia and Zayn

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AN: I know I said I had put a little of my life in this story but this part is completely made up and just Olivia. I repeat, I haven't gone through this personally. I'm just writing  

April 18th

"First Saturday of Spring break, what do you wanna do today?" Zayn asked as we had our morning cuddle. We'd both just woken up and neither one of us wanted to move.

"We could lay here all day." I suggested.

"Fine with me," he whispered, laying gentle kisses on the back of my neck.

We were laying sweet, sleepy silence when Zayn said something about America.

"Wait, what?" I asked. I was starting to fall asleep again as he rubbed my legs and back.

"I said, the movie premiere is in America." He repeated. "New York, precisely."

My heart began to thump as the thought of going back to New York passed over me.

"Is that okay? I know you've lived there before. I'm not sure if it was a good expierience, but it doesn't seem to have been." He said as he pushed my hair to the side and pressed a kiss to my neck.

"I mean, it was good, I had fun. I know a ton of people everywhere there..." I trailed off thinking about how I met those people.


"I don't know, it's how I met those people I guess. I never told you the New York story." I said. I turned over so that I could be facing him.

"I'd love to hear it," he said, tracing his fingers along my jaw.

I sighed. The New York story is almost embarassing. I knew we'd have to talk about it eventually if we were gonna be together for a long time, and I of course could see us getting married. I'd been planning our wedding since 2011.

"Zayn, just remember we come from very different backgrounds and we have done very different things with our lives." I said, unable to look him in the eyes anymore.

"I won't judge you Olivia," he said, his voice was still heavy with sleep.

I nodded and gave my self a second to prepare. "Well, when I'd left Virginia for the fourth time, I think, I took one suitcase and my cousin with me to New York. We were gonna stay on the streets but someone told us about the shelter system. So we went up to New York with 50 dollars to our name and the city put us in some building in Sheepshead Bay. It used to be a hotel and it was right on the water."

"What was that like, living in a shelter?"

"Honestly, it didn't feel like a shelter. It was a small facility and there weren't a lot of people or staff. I went to the beach every day. I was smoking and drinking every day. I wasn't working, I wasn't really trying to either. I was enjoying myself and my new freedom, a little too much." I admitted. "But they moved after about a month and a half. Then they put us in Harlem. I started hanging out with some not so friendly people-"

"Not so friendly?"

"Gang members, I was hanging out with gang members every night, smoking weed, selling it. I was smoking in public and drinking in public. I just didn't care. When they moved us from there, they out us in some little place in the seemingly quietest part of Brooklyn ever. But I managed to find more guys in gangs to call my friend and then there I was doing the same thing. Then my cousin went back home and they moved me to a single woman's facility. Damn near in Bay Rid. But I kept going back to the last place I was. Something there kept calling me. The people, my boyfriend at the time. I couldn't stay away from that part of Brooklyn. That ended up being my downfall." I stopped there because what happened next was never something I wanted Zayn to know, but for reason I felt like even of I didn't include it, he would sense that I left something out.

"What happened there?" He said, sounding almost disappointed that I'd stopped.

"There I got arrested for fighting. A girl and her friend tried to jump me. I mean I didn't get charged, I was just protecting my self. But it's just like, everywhere I go, someone knows something bad about me. I wasn't myself when I was in New York. I was going through something. Something that Trish helped me stop trying to be. She helped me stop trying to prove myself so hard and all the time."

|¤| Zayn |¤|

I could kind of see why she felt the way she did with Trish.

"You've been through a lot with Trish, huh?"

She nodded. "Yeah, she helped me not to be so angry all the time and to just appreciate me. She helped me see that inonly needed to worry about how I felt about me. To stop searching for approval."

"She's like your big sister?"

"Yeah, pretty much." She mumbled.

I put my arm on her waist and pulled her closer to me. "If you don't wanna go we don't have to go. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"No, we can go. I wanna go. It'd be nice to go visit."

"Good, because I booked this special hotel room with a jacuzzi inside it. The bed is heart shaped, all types of cheese like that." I mumbled quickly before peppering her face with kisses.

She chuckled. "You booked us the honeymoon suite?"

"I thought it was fitting," I smiled at her. She was so cute, I loved looking at her. That brought me out of my bad mood.

"How many nights?" She asked.


She groaned lightly. "Three whole days?"

"We can spend them in our room. If you want. I mostly just wanted to get out of here, out of London, and to bring you with me." I told her. We honestly didn't even have to to to the movie premiere, I just wanted to get Olivia in that room. I had plans for us and New York.

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