17 - Zayn

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April 6th, 2015

I hadn't seen Olivia for more than an hour since Trish came home. She had even cancelled our first overnight sleepover. She kept saying Trish was going through something, but wouldn't elaborate. I didnt push it though, I was sure it was just girl problems. Maybe she broke up with her boyfriend, or maybe it was cramps. I just said okay and let her spend time with her bestfriend, like the good boyfriend I was.

But I was missing her sweet face, soothing voice, and wise thoughts, so I called her, not caring that it was barely six in the morning. I was writing a song and I was stuck. I really needed her to inspire me.

The phone rang and rang, but she finally answered in a sleepy voice. "Hi, may I help you, it's still dark outside, who the hell do you think you are? If you're selling something, take me off your damn list, I-"

"It's actually me, Zayn. Your boyfriend, only trying to sell you love, maybe a few kisses, etc."

"Oh," her toned changed and she giggled, yawning a little. "Sorry, I didn't look at the number, I just answered. Good morning though,"

"It's okay, good morning to you too," I said smiling as I chewed lightly on the end of the pencil I was holding. "No class today?"

"Nope, it's Thursday." She stated. "But why, what's up? Did you wanna go to breakfast or something?"

"Actually I wanted to see if I could get you over to my apartment. I could make you breakfast here... and I kind of need your help with something." I knew she'd come especially if the promise of food was involved. "And I got some dank ass weed we could smoke."

"Say no more, I'm getting up now." She said. "What could you possibly need help with at 6 am though? You're never up this early, something must be wrong."

"No, nothing's wrong." I assured her. "I didn't sleep last night. I was up all night writing songs and I'm stuck now, so hurry and get over here and pack a bag, I'm taking you from Trish for a day or two."

"Oh, I forgot about her." Olivia sighed.

"What? Don't tell me she still needs you, it's been three days. I got to see you once since I've been back." I let my pencil fall to the desk as I began to frown.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm coming over, don't sorry about it. Just thinking out loud," she said. "What time are you leaving to come get me?"

"Right now," I said standing. I figured it was best to go get her now before something else popped up. I put on my jacket and found my cigs shoving them in my pocket. "I'm leaving right now. I'll call you when I get there, okay love?"

"Okay, see you then," she said.

We both hung up and I found myself wanting to say more. I knew it was early and I had no intent on saying it so soon, but when I talked to her for some reason, I felt the need to say it just before we hung up.

I left out, locking my door behind me. I took the stairs this morning, feeling full of energy for some reason. I bounced out of the building and hopped into my truck.

As I drove on the wet roads of London I couldn't help but daydream about the time I was going to spend with Olivia today.

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