9 -Zayn

14 0 0

March 25th, 2015

"Here we are," I said as I opened the door to my place, letting her in first. She stepped in and looked around as if it were a museum. I couldn't help but smile a little. "Do you like it?"

"It's awesome. It's so colorful. My apartment is bland as fuck." She walked over to a wall I'd painted over. "This is amazing." She let her fingers trail up the outlines of the words. "I can't believe you're so talented." She gushed before turning around. "Could you maybe do something like this in my room?"

"Of course, whenever we have the free time." I nodded.

"Cool, because I'd totally pay you-"

"Friends don't pay friends for favors." I patted her on the shoulder as I walked past her. "Do you smoke, Olivia?"

"Smoke what?" She peeped.

"C'mon, Olivia, you said you were a fan of mine, you know what I'm talking about."


"No, no, stop," she was holding her stomach and laughing harder than I've ever seen her laugh. "That didn't happen."

"Yes it did," I said between laughs. "I wouldn't lie about something like that!"

"Sure," she shook her head before relighting the blunt that had gone out while we were laughing.

"Can I ask you something?" I said breaking the quick silence.

"Of course," she nodded.

"Who's your favorite?"

"Favorite what?"

"Favorite in One Direction,"

"Oh really, Zayn, come on," she said slightly blushing as she handed me the blunt.

"I seriously wanna know," I said.

"Why?" She asked. She was fighting me and I couldn't figure out if it was for a good reason or a bad one. "Don't make me embarrass myself."

"Was it me?"

She nodded.

"Don't be embarrassed, I'm actually relieved." I shared with her. "Now I don't have to worry about the other boys stealing you away from me."

She chuckled, and I was glad she took it lightly. "You're funny, Zayn."

"When I first met you I figured you were a Liam girl, probably because you live so close to him. You know, cause you get to see him more often."

"If I was I'd be up under him, but I'm not. I'm here hanging out with you,"

That made me smile. "I'm glad you're here." I said as I passed the blunt, then leaned back to relax on the couch. "So, have you been thinking about dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, I was just getting nervous. But I'm fine, it's cool now. I'm totally ready, I already know what I'm wearing." She nodded.

"What are you wearing?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you." She said as she pulled her phone out and scooted closer to me. She unlocked her phone right in front of me. She didn't even care if I looked, which I did and now I knew her passcode was 6023.

She pulled up her pictures and scrolled quickly, so quickly the pictures blurred. She stopped though before going to far, I guess, and scrolled slower. She passed selfies, pictures of her cat, and a bunch of scenic pictures she'd taken herself.

"Okay, here it is." She handed me the phone. On the phone was a picture of her in a dressing room with a deep gold dress on that clung to her figure. It was one shouldered and it looked like something I'd seen Kylie Jenner in before.

"How did you afford this? Its looks-"

"Like its Balmain, because it is. Trish takes me shopping and I just never have anywhere to wear this stuff too, so it sits around."

"Well this looks amazing on you." I said, staring at the picture. I gave it back to her so that I wouldn't look creepy. But I wanted so bad to send that picture to my phone. "Absolutely stunning," I added.
"Thank you," she said as she locked her phone again.

"Can I ask you something else? Sorry I keep changing subjects so quickly, I'm like that when I smoke,"

She giggled, "Its okay, go ahead ask me."

"Okay- and if I'm being too nosy, tell me, but I was just wondering about your friend Trish. Where does her money come from, and how come she's never home?"

"I wanna tell you, but I can't put my best friend out there like that. It's not the most respectful thing in the world, what she does. And plus," she pulled her leg up under her getting more comfortable beside me. "If we ever hang out with her, I don't want you to think differently of her."

I nodded, accepting her answer. I wasn't surprised. I already knew she was someone I could trust, so I guess I already knew she'd never give up her best friend's secret. "Fair enough. You should introduce us one day. I'd love to meet your old best friend."

"Old best friend?"

"Yeah, because I'm the new one."

She laughed, placing a hand on my arm as she did so. It sent chills up my spine and butterflies to stomach.

"I've never made a best friend this quick." She said as she giggled.

I knew we were high, but she always had that nonchalant, always joking, type of thing going on. She never took my hints and flirtation seriously. I couldn't help but wonder if it was maybe because she wasn't interested in me like I was in her. It was almost discouraging to me. It made me feel like just maybe she just didn't like me the way I'd come to like her. I had underestimated her. I guess I figured since she was a fan she already had a crush on me. I figured I wouldn't have to do much to swoon her. I thought it'd be easy. But she was different.

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