26 - Olivia

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April 27th

It was surreal. I was sitting on a subway train beside Zayn going over the Manhattan bridge. He had on a hoodie and shades, but the train car we were on was nearly empty so he'd taken them off. The sun shine was beaming through the dirty glass, causing his brown eyes to look hazel. He was really a sight in himself.

He noticed me staring and smiled at me. "What are you thinking about?"

"You and how glad I am to be with you." I smiled back. "You're so much more than I ever could've imagined."

"You make me feel really good when you say that. It let's me know I'm doing something right." He reached over, pushing the curls on my cheek gently with his index finger before laying a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"You're doing everything right, Zayn. I just hope I'm returning the favor." I smiled up at him.

"You're doing more than that. So tell me, where are we headed to? I dressed us so nicely tonight."

I chucked as I rolled my eyes. He had us looking like we definitely didn't belong on the train. Well we could pass. It's just when you're
dressed nicely on the train everyone stares. So we stood out.

Zayn was wearing black leather skinnies, with a white ripped tee and, a black leather jacket and a red cotton jacket under that one. He tied all that up with black Yeezys and a few gold chains.

I was in a sleeveless, red bodycon dress. He'd paired it with a denim jacket and a pair of nude red-bottoms. I was of course wearing the ring and earrings he'd bought me.

"I'm not sure, but we can get off at Times Square and I'm sure we can find somewhere we'd look good at."


"I've never been inside this place before but I used to walk past it all the time on the way to work." I mentioned after the waiter delivered our drinks.

"I've been here once before. The first time I came to New York with the boys. Their pasta is A1." He said.

"Why do we get always get pasta?" I asked, chuckling.

"You started that." He pointed.

"You started it," I mumbled as I pulled the menu up in front of me. "This time I think I want the fish, but salmon over rice or salmon over pasta." I sighed dramatically.

Zayn chuckled. "I'm gonna get the lobster fettuccine."

"So basically fish over pasta," I closed my menu as I laughed. Even when we decided to be different, we were one in the same.

We sipped our overpriced, alcoholic slushies as we waited for the waiter to come back.

We were just sitting and chatting when two women approached us. Both extremely pretty and made up. You could tell they had money, or already looked like they did, like me. They both looked like models, honestly.

The tall one with dark curls spoke first. "Excuse us, sorry, we're so sorry, but we saw you over here and we just wanna know if we can get a picture."

"Uh, do you mind?" He asked me before answering them.

"No, of course not, go ahead." I said as I picked my drink back up. I would never tell him not to take a picture with a fan. Hell, I'm a fan.

The women took pictures with him and grinned the whole time. After they were done, the quiet one with the long brown hair spoke up.

"Is this your girlfriend?" She asked, acknowledging my presence for the first time.

"Yes, it is." He said, proudly.

"Oh," she said softly. "Okay, then. Thank you for the pictures." She glanced over at me once more before they left or table.

"I think maybe she wanted to make a move." I chuckled.

"You handled it nicely." He said.

"Thanks I try," I giggled.

Soon the waiter came back and we ordered our seafood and pasta. The food came back quickly and we are quickly. The food was so good we ordered seconds. Then even after that, Zayn picked the menu up again.
"Should we get dessert?" He asked, flipping through the small dessert menu.

I laughed. "Waiter!" I called out.

•°• Zayn•°•

We got back to the hotel around nine. Olivia fell asleep right away. She didn't even take her dress or her shoes off. I slid her heels off her feet and put them beside the bed. Knowing her she'd wake up in the middle of the night and change out of her dress, so I decided not to wake her.

Instead I rolled up and decided to call Louis. I hadn't heard from him since Olivia and I saw him chasing the mother of his first child out of the restaurant.

I walked out onto the balcony with my phone, gazing at the city lights in the dark sky. Clouds of smoke rose and circled above my head as the phone rang.

"Hey Zayn," he said once he picked up.

"What's up, how've you been?" I asked.

"Not too great. Pregnant girls are hard to get along with." He chuckled lightly. "How are you and Olivia doing?"

"Great actually. We're in New York right now. We're making it public tomorrow. I'm taking her to a movie premiere. Red carpet and all." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Wow, you must really like her." He said.

"Honestly, I think I love her, Louis." That was the first time I'd said it out aloud.

"How long has I been, mate?"

"We've known each other for almost two months. I know it hasn't been long but, she loves me so much and I can tell. I've never been loved like this before." I said as I took a puff of the blunt I forgot I was holding.

"It's because she's a fan." He said. "She loved you before you even knew who she was."

I hadn't thought of it that way, but he was probably right.

"That's good though right?"

"I mean yeah, but if I were you I'd be sorta scared. I mean who's to say that once her fan girl phase is over she'll still be as infatuated."

I didn't agree one bit. "I can't say that doesn't make sense. But Olivia is different. Her love for me changed and grew into something else. It's real, Louis."

"I'm glad to hear that. Wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?"

I couldn't do anything but chuckle because if Olivia were to walk away from me, I'd be very lost. She's my muse. All the songs for my album so far were written in her presence and if I had to go at it without her I'm not sure if there would even be an album next year.

Then it hit me. What if something were to happen to us?  I've gotten myself so deep into loving her I'd probably just drop off the face of the Earth.


"Sorry mate, I zoned out. But no, we wouldn't. If she ever leaves me I'll be lost." I mumbled.

"Don't lose her then."

tRuTh - z.m.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora