21 - Olivia

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April 15th

It's almost Spring break. I kept repeating in my head as I walked down the hall to my class. I mostly stared at the ground because everyone was staring at me. Like okay, I hadn't been there in a while, but it wasn't like I was missed, no one's ever paid attention to me before.

I knew why they stared, but what was I supposed to do other than let them stare.

I let out a breath of relief as I reached my classroom. I was there early. I wanted to get a good seat in the back. I picked the one in the middle of the back row. I had a good view of everyone.

I pulled out my phone as I settled in. I had a missed call from Zayn, so I called him back.

It rang three times. "Hey Olivia, how's class?" He asked.

"It hasn't started yet. But I've already dealt with the worst." I said as I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me.

"What do you mean?" He asked with worry evident in his voice.  

"Everyone stared at me as I walked to class today." I looked up and I noticed the class was filling up and the people walking in were looking at me too. "Oh that's great, people in my class are doing it too. Zayn, I think I'm just gonna go home because I can't-"

"No, Olivia. Stay in class. Let them stare. Don't let other people's actions affect your outcome. You taught me that. So, breath easy and move up to the front because I know you're in the back."

I laughed becaus he couldnt see me but he was right. "Shut up," I said as I gathered my things and moved up front. I picked the corner seat in the front row, beside the window. Far away from everyone, but close to the board.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I sighed. "Are you picking me up today?" I asked him.

"What time do you get out?" He asked.
Before I could even answer a girl rushed up to my desk. "Aren't you Zayn Malik's girlfriend? Are you talking to Zayn now? Can I say hi?" She begged.

I just stared at her. Everyone in my class stared at us and it went silent.

"No, this is my brother." I lied. I wasn't about to just hand her my phone. I was having a serious conversation with my boyfriend.

"Oh I'm your brother now? Are you friendzoning me? You don't wanna claim me in public?" He joked, knowing I was in an awkward ass position.

"Shut up, Joseph." I said, throwing in a fake name. I looked up at the girl because she hadn't left yet.

"Well, can you call Zayn?" She asked a little more quiet, but it didn't matter because everyone was still silent.

I didn't know what to say. I mean I didn't wanna be stuck up and just say no but I defnitely wasn't gonna give her the phone. I mean I was a fan once, I still felt like one, but I would have never done this.

"Zayn is actually still sleeping right now, sorry." I finally managed to utter.
"You lie," he said. "I've been getting up earlier than you lately. Don't lie on your brother." He said mocking my lies.

"Shut up, Joe." I sighed, trying not to laugh.

The professor walked in and everyone took their seats and began talking amidst themselves again. The girl slithered away but didn't stray too far. She sat two seats away from me and one row back.

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