5 - Zayn

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March 24th, 2015

"There might be a lot of people here." I warned as I finally parked. "And everyone's gonna stare because, you know."

"It's okay, Zayn." She nodded. "I only really get like that if I'm alone, and it's really not that bad." She said, most likely downplaying it.

I got out of the car and walked around to her side to open the door. She stepped out, grinning. I knew she was blushing, but her deep complexion that she wore so well, hid it.

Although no one had called it a date, that's what it felt like. I wasn't against it and I had a feeling she wasn't either.

We walked arm in arm towards the restaurant. "I know I've told you a million times already, but you look beautiful."

"Thanks," she beamed. "You look pretty sharp yourself."

"You know, I hope this isn't the last time we do this. We haven't even gotten inside but this had already made my day. I can't describe it but you put me in a good mood."

Her smile was unbeatable. "I'm glad."

They seated us quickly. I requested a seat in the back and the brought us to the last booth. We both couldn't stop smiling as we looked at each other across the table.

"So tell me, how are you and the boys?" She asked me.

"Believe it or not, I haven't spoken to any of them since that day we met in the lift." I said. "I don't exactly have a problem with it though. They obviously have a problem with me so, maybe I should stay away from them."

She nodded. "I can understand that. You do have other friends right? You gotta have someone to talk to."

I shrugged. I didn't really, and there was no way around that. "I have people that I work with. But in reality I'm a loner. I like to do my own thing. Five is a crowd and if we weren't put into a band with one another I don't think I'd be friends with all of them. But experience brought us together." I paused as I fiddled with the table cloth. "Experience also got the best of us."

"Because they're letting it. You do have a choice. They reacted negatively. Just make sure you try to keep on the positive side."

Every time she spoke, she spoke wisdom. Everything she said just made sense. I could understand it all, coming from her.

"You have all the answers. I need to keep you around."

She laughed lightly. "I try," she joked. "But really, I hope this all goes your way. You deserve the recognition."

She was like my little cheerleader.


We ordered breakfast and demolished it. I've never spent longer at a restaurant before. Between us talking and us continually ordering food. I was sure neither one of us was planning on having lunch.

When we were stuffed to the brim we finally decided to leave. I left a big tip like I usually do. That was probably the one thing I did that day where I wasn't trying to impress Olivia. But she noticed anyway.

"Do you always do that?" She asked as we walked through the parking lot. We were taking our time. The sun was shining, and the wind was blowing lightly . There really wasn't a cloud in sight.

"Do what? The tipping thing?" I asked.


"I do. I feel like I should. I have more money than one individual should ever need. I should spread the wealth, so I do."

That made her smile. She was holding something back. She wanted to say something but was afraid, I figured.

"What is it?" I clicked the button on my keychain and headlights flashed, signalling that it was unlocked. I opened the door on Olivia's side but she didn't get in right away.

"Nothing, I'm sorry I just need a moment to soak this in." She gazed at me almost. "I can't believe I'm here with you right now and you're like this."

I smiled, thinking of something I could do for her. "Let's take a picture, so we can remember this. Today was a good day for me too."

She whipped her phone out and I stepped beside her, standing close so that I could be in the frame. I put an arm around her shoulder and the smile she was wearing grew just before she snapped the picture.

She brought her phone back and we stared at the picture. We looked good. The Ferrari was in the back, she was looking perfect and I'd spent some extra time in the bathroom that morning getting ready. Nothing was out of place.

"Could you send that to me?" I asked her.
"That would include me having your number." She chuckled.

"True," I said as I took her phone and sent the picture to my phone. My phone sang immediately as it received the text. "There, now you have my number." I said trying my hardest to be coy. "Now next time you feel like skipping, just call me."

"I thought this was only because I kept your secret? You really wanna see me again?" She asked, seeming genuinely surprised.

"I wasn't sure at first, but now I know."

"Know what?"

"I know that you're more than a fan to me."

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