19 - Liam and Olivia

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April 7th

|¤| Liam |¤|

Harry, Niall, and I got into my car and Zayn and Olivia rode together. That was to be expected but I was bursting from the seams to apologize. I've always liked Olivia. I've known her for far longer than Zayn and I knew her first. I just found myself feeling a certain way about knowing I'd hurt her.

The only reason I'd ever accused her was because I just found it suspicious that she waited to approach one of us until one decided to leave the band. It just seemed like she was waiting for something to happen. I mean we had met plenty of times but it never turned into what they have.

"Liam, drive." Niall said from the backseat.

I found myself lost in thought at a red light. "Sorry," I mumbled as I pressed the gas.

"You seem nervous, Liam. You haven't said a word since we got in the car." Harry pointed out.

"I'm not but don't you think this whole, 'Sorry we were assholes to you,' lunch gonna be awkward. Especially with Zayn there, being he's so protective of her." My tone came out slightly annoyed, more than I would have to liked to be.

Both the boys stared at me for a second. Niall spoke first. "Yeah lets talk about that real quick. What has gotten into you guys? Harassing women?"

"A male can have a not so friendly conversation with a female and it not be harassment. I happen to like Olivia. I was just angry that day and I just so happened to see her." I answered first, because I was the only one who actually said something to her.

"Fair enough," Niall said. "But Harry, what did you do?"

"I insisted that she was only trying to be his girlfriend because he's about to really blow up." He admitted quickly. "I just don't want some undeserving gold digger to waste Zayn's time. I guess you could say, I'm being protective over Zayn. But at least I'm not jealous of him." He shot me a look and patted my I knee.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.

"I could tell by your little outburst. You probably liked Olivia first, but just never made a move. Zayn came and swept her off her feet like he does, and you're mad." He said simply, as if it could ever really be.

"Wrong. Like I said, I was just angry that day about Zayn quitting and I just happened to see her. Just like you I'm worried about what she wants from Zayn. "

"Sure, we'll go with that. I mean, I won't tell Zayn or anyone, but this is gonna be interesting." He chuckled like the sly asshole he is truly is. Thinking this whole situation was funny. Nothing about this was funny. I was confused and disappointed, and it was a joke to him.

"Harry, let it be. You've become quite the drama queen lately. The fans have gotten to you. You're becoming one of them." Niall said.

"No, I'm not and I'm not a drama king, it's just this is actually happening right in front of us. Liam is in love with Zayn's girl and one day he's gonna snap because he can't handle seeing the two together. Its classic."

"I don't love her and I'm happy for Zayn." I damn near shouted. "You're getting on my nerves Harry. Zayn was right, you do think you know everything."

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