24 - Olivia

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26th Olivia

Our flight to New York left in an hour and Zayn and I were sitting out in his car smoking. I had been stressing the whole day while I packed. But Zayn came over and helped me calm down. I'd been high all day and I wasn't complaining.
"You ready?" He asked as he flicked the blunt clip out of the window.
"I guess I am." I said, letting out a breath.

"Is there anyone you wanna see while you're in New York?" He asked me, reaching over for my hand.
"I've been thinking about that and I don't think so. I mean there are places I wanna go. But no one specific I wanna see." I shrugged.
"Places like where?" He asked, playing with my fingers.
"For one, the beach in Sheepshead Bay. It's dirty but I've had a lot of fun there. Also, there's a pier out on the the other side of Brooklyn. And I wanna go to the Times Square and 42 street subway stop. There's always good entertainment down there."
"A subway stop? You're so nostalgic, Olivia. Its cute." He smiled and leaned over pressing a kiss to my high lips.
"Are you gonna go with me? I know it might cause a scene." I said as I thought about it. Zayn Malik in Times Square, we'd get mobbed.
"I'll wear shades and a hoodie. Its okay. I'm going where ever you're going. Wouldn't want you to see any old flings fall back in love would we?"
I laughed a deep hard laugh. "The guys I dated in New York don't even begin to compare to you." I told him. "And it's not because you're Zayn Malik either. You're heart is so big and you're so compassionate."
He leaned over and pressed another kiss to my lips, this one deeper than the first.
"I like you so much, Olivia."
My heart thumped heavily in my chest as he held our heads close together and whispered on my lips.
"I like you too, Zayn." I reciprocated.
We kissed again before finally exiting the car. Smoke poured from the car when we opened the doors. We both just laughed.
After taking entirely too long to get our bags out of the car, we walked into the airport and because of Zayn's celebrity status, we got seated on the plane first. We were in first class where the seats were spread out and big. Zayn and I took a seat in the back of first class. We got comfy in our seats and watched people as they boarded. Someone brought a baby on board and I immediately rolled me eyes. I knew this baby would cry at least once during our flight, but that was all I could take.
The woman with the baby came and sat directly across from Zayn and I.
"Hi," she said quietly as she sat down.
I just smiled, but Zayn spoke. "Hi,"
After a few minutes, everyone was settled in and the plane finally took off. The lady's baby started acting up immediately. It was only a 6 hour flight and by the looks of it, her baby was gonna cry and whine the whole 6.
We were on hour three and Zayn and I both were on edge from the crying baby when I finally snapped.
"Can I hold her?" I asked gesturing to the woman's baby.
"Please, be my guest." She said thankfully. She handed me the heavy baby. She had tears in her eyes and little black ringlets scattered over he head. She looked to be about nine or ten months old. "Her name is Naomi."
"Hi, Naomi." I said softly as I wiped her tears. She was quiet as she looked up at me, a stranger. She began to whine, but I cuddled her close to me and started to rock her. I wasn't doing anything special, I just knew everyone gets sick of their mom sometimes. I knew I was getting sick of hers, anyway.
Naomi quieted down and her mom handed me the bottle she had been trying to give to her.
I put the bottle in front of her and she reached for it, feeding herself.
"Zayn, could you lean my seat back a little?" I asked him quietly.
"Sure love," he answered.
Once my seat was reclined, I just laid there with Naomi in my arms as she drank her bottle and I played with her hair.
When she was finished, she rolled over in my arms and it was perfect. I burped her and she fell asleep quickly. It was finally quiet and I found myself falling asleep too. The weed had finally hit me and the milk had hit Naomi. Me and Naomi napped the whole rest of the flight.
When we landed Zayn woke me up. I smiled when I looked down at Naomi still in my arms. She was warm against me and breathing quietly.
Her mom was asleep as well. Zayn woke her too and I gave her a wave as she woke up.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I fell asleep, you didn't have to hold her the whole time," She apologized softly as she looked at her baby in my arms.
"Its okay, I was asleep too." I shrugged. "She's good napping company."
"She really is. Would you mind if I just get a picture of this because it's too much," she was getting teary eyed as she pulled out her phone.
I smiled lightly as she snapped a picture. She looked towards Zayn. "Wanna be in this one?"
"I'd love to," he smiled, happy to be apart of this. By the way this lady interacted with us, she didn't know who Zayn was. She was middle aged. She stared at the picture for a while before tucking her phone away.
I stood, stretching my legs, then handing her the sleeping baby.
"Thank you, again. Sometimes she gets rowdy and I just can't calm her. I just adopted her and we we're still getting to know one another."
"Oh, oh my god, congratulations. I know how hard adopting can be nowdays." I said as I smiled at her.
"Thank you, and it can."
We got off the plane and went our separate ways. Zayn and I caught a cab to our hotel. We were sitting in the back when I began to miss Naomi.
"That baby was so warm." I mumbled as I laid against Zayn.
"I thought you didn't like kids," He said.
"Oh no, I dont, but for some reason I'm really good with them. Its a curse but I accept it."
"What made you take the baby though? You actually fed and rocked someone's baby to sleep then held it while it slept for three hours."
I shrugged. "I just sensed the baby's angst to be free from that woman, even if it was for a second. And I was sick of hearing her cry," I chuckled sleepily.
Our cab took us over the Manhattan bridge. You could see the famous new York city skyline. I was lost in the view. The buildings and the water, and the train's moving alongside us on the bridge, flying past the traffic.
"You sure you lived here? You look like you're seeing it all for the first time." He said joining me at the window.
"People always used to ask me that here. I just love a good view." I shrugged. He kissed me on the cheek, rubbing his scratchy beard on my face.

AN: a little random yes, I have plans, I just wanna space these things out lol but they're in New York now, how exciting, what if they never went back to London haha, oh and don't quote me on these bridges, I live in NY and still don't know which bridges are which I'm just guessing ha

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