Save Fred

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Hi i'm in class and I kind of got a free period because I'm a good noodle.

So I've been having some thoughts in class that I always forget when I come home. And I usually write at night when the day is finished but I can make an exception because I am in class, I'm bored with nothing to do.

So I was thinking that someone could eventually break into the school and do some bad stuff, ya know?

I'm currently sitting next to a girl who doesn't appreciate what I do as a person?

I write a lot and I feel like this is my job even though I don't get paid at all. I'd love to get paid, though!

Money to pay for merch because D&P are always releasing new stuff and I've had enough with this debt!

I'm typing so fast omg I feel like I'm a robot or something like that compared to other people.

It is weird that I can type my own name into a computer or on some kind of imaginary keyboard while closing my eyes?

Actually, I think I can type almost anything along with the ?s and !s and almost every other key because sometimes I rant and rant about some things to my friends and I have learned where every key is and I kind of love it. I think it makes me unique and different from other people.

I think school has been going a bit slow for me because it has literally only been two weeks that I've been here and I am already being put with so much responsibility and ahhhh D:

I mean school is fine, but the work, guys. I like the building, I guess?

It's really pretty? I really don't have much to say about it, but the teachers mean well and I think they are making this a bit easier.

I just got my ID card! I look like an oval and here's why:

We were called from our class yesterday to take pictures and we were in this line in the middle of the hallway.

Usually, they make us stand in front of the lockers because each floor and grade has a different color: Green for 6th, Blue for 7th, and Red for 8th. And this time, I don't know why but they made us stand in front of this ugly piece of big paper. It was the worst shade of blue ever.

And since the lights were getting a bit dim (They needed to change the light bulbs) it was really dark.

So what they did was grab this big studio light and point it in our faces. I had to squint because it was really bright. So the pictures and ID's were placed on the cards and we were given us them today and the middle strip of my face looks like it's glowing heLp.

I look like a light bulb myself.

Okay so in Science we were doing this activity in the book where the materials you need are:
-A gummy worm
-A gummy life saver
-A plastic cup
-2 paper clips

So what you had to do was:
The gummy worm's name was Fred. And he was riding a sail boat across the sea.
Fred's ship tips over and he is left on top of the cup, but the life saver is on the bottom of the cup.
The rules were you could not stab Fred, you couldn't drown Fred. And you can't use your hands to save Fred.
All you have to use is the paper clips.

So you had to get Fred in the life saver halfway.

And I was like "hell yeah save Fred"
Because #Fredslifematters

So my best friend and I were trying to get Fred in the hole.
The process was filled with all types of innuendos.
Like the following:

"No no no it doesn't fit!!"
"Stretch it wider!"
"Get it in there!"
"Stretch the whole!"
"Shove it in!"

And we eventually had killed and stabbed Fred many times and did not end up saving poor Fred.

I think Fred was my spirit animal.

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