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I can't watch TATINOF because it's expensive 😫

I was just told that my half-aunt and uncle are getting a divorce because things aren't really working out and I'm upset because I still want to see her and her kinds but things are going to be so different :(

Also I realized I don't have my life together.
The phone I'm writing this chapter on is not mine, and it feels really weird.
My school life is complicated because I feel like it's putting too much on me.

I was given a project today, and It's due tomorrow and I just don't have the confidence and WILL TO DO ANYTHING.

I was given a project today, and It's due tomorrow and I just don't have the confidence and WILL TO DO ANYTHING

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Soooo I'm going to be doing this thing where you guys can ask me any of the following:

1: full name?
2: nationality?
3: religion?
4: sexuality?
5: favorite color(s)?
6: favorite animal?
7: favorite dog breed?
8: favorite food?
9: preference of ice cream flavor?
10: Ice cream cake or normal cake?
11: Introvert or extrovert?
12: Any relationship atm?
13: exes?
14: family traditions?
15: apps?
16: year in school?
17: Favorite candle scent?
18: fav laundry scent?
19: any best friends?
20: plans for future books?
21: plans for future in general?
22: homophobic or not?
23: weapon of choice?
24: favorite flower?
25: do you like your town/city?
26: state?
27: where would you travel?
28: fav youtuber?
29: fav person?
30: lock screen?
31: background on phone atm?
32: any other social media?
33: any siblings?
34: how do you style your hair?
35: fashion taste?
36: taste in music?
37: a e s t h e t i c?
38: kink?
39: any pets?
40: embarrassing picture?
41: embarrassing story?
42: picture of family?
43: Cats or dogs?
44: are you organized?
45: what do you do in your free time?
46: what would you like to do in your free time?
47: any pet peeves?
48: favorite social media app/ website?
49: are you in any other fandoms?
50: are you okay?

This might be your only chance to ask me about myself!!

Anyways, all answers will be in next chapter of this book!

Anyways, all answers will be in next chapter of this book!

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Ttyl!!! (Who even uses that???)

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