The Van Allen's vs Daryll Cooper

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"And I say we're going back - now!" Tamara yelled as Dean, Sam, and the girls finished tying the demon to a chair underneath a devil's trap they had drawn on the ceiling and entered the room where Tamara and Tom were arguing

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"And I say we're going back - now!" Tamara yelled as Dean, Sam, and the girls finished tying the demon to a chair underneath a devil's trap they had drawn on the ceiling and entered the room where Tamara and Tom were arguing. "I left my husband bloody on the floor!"

"Okay, we understand that, but we can't go back," Sam attempted to calm her down and make her see reason.

"Fine. Then you stay, but I'm heading back to that bar," Tamara glared at Sam, as if daring him to protest one more time.

"I'll go with her," Karoline's eyes snapped to Dean, widening slightly. He couldn't be serious. Dean grabbed Tamara's arm and they started towards the door purposefully. Karoline stepped in front of him quickly, not letting him reach the door.

"That's suicide, and you know it!" She argued, putting a hand on his chest to keep him from passing her.

"So what? I'm dead already!" Karoline flinched at his words, taking her hand back slowly and dropping her gaze to the ground.

"Fine, then go," She stepped out of the way as Dean glanced at her surprised. "Didn't want the damn year anyway." She muttered, dropping onto the couch to her right.

"How you gonna kill them?" Alayna broke in before Dean could say anything. Karoline turned her gaze to Alayna, but she could still feel his eyes burning holes in the side of her head. "Guns don't work. Knives don't work. And I don't think they're too keen on waiting in line to get exorcised!"

"I don't care!" Tamara yelled back at her.

"We don't even know how many of them there are!" Sam yelled this time, fury in his eyes.

"Not so sure about that," Tom interrupted them, walking forward slowly before looking up from the book in his hands with a small smirk, but they could clearly see the worry in his eyes. "There's Seven. The Seven Deadly sins, in the flesh." A short, stunned silence followed Tom's announcement.

"'What's in the box?!'" Dean joked lightly, causing the five of them to turn to look at him incredulously. "Brad Pitt, 'SE7EN'? No?" His grin slowly dropped when he saw that none of them were smiling. Tom slammed the book shut and tossed it to him. "What's this?"

"'Binsfeld's Classification of Demons'. In 1589, Binsfeld I.D.'d the seven sins - not just as human vices but as actual devils,"

"The family - they were touched by Sloth," Sam realized.

"And the shopper... the demon we have in there-" Alayna pointed to the other room. "That must be Envy,"

"Yeah. I didn't realize it until Isaac. He was touched by a nasty prick; Gluttony," They glanced at Tamara apprehensively just as she snapped.

"I don't give a rat's ass if they're the three stooges or the four tops! I'm gonna slaughter every last one of them!" Tamara snarled.

"Yeah, you tried that already, now Isaac's dead," Tom pointed out calmly turning to the raging woman. "These Demons haven't been topside since the dark ages, so if you wanna run in there half-assed, by all means get yourself killed." Tom stepped aside to let her leave, raising his eyebrows expectantly when she didn't. "Exactly, we all just need to take a breath and think." Tamara stalked back into the other room, not saying another word, Tom following suit. Karoline looked between Sam and Alayna, still being able to feel Dean's eyes on her. Instead of meeting his gaze, she got up and walked off into the other room, greeted by dark laughter.

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