The Van Allen's vs Bed Time Stories

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The bar was packed with people and Alayna looked around the room with a smile, searching for someone

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The bar was packed with people and Alayna looked around the room with a smile, searching for someone. Her eyes landed on Sam, waiting for her by one of the high top tables across the room.

"Sam," she smiled lovingly at him as she finally reached him. "You made it."

He smiled, his Hazel eyes travelling up the length of her, "of course I did. You called."  He held out a beer to her and she took it with a soft smile.

She raised the bottle to her lips, hesitating a moment as a easy giggle pushed passed her lips. "God, you are so easy."

Sam frowned at that, "what- what are you talking about?"

"Does that line usually work for you?" She asked, leaning an elbow in against the table as her cute smile turned into a cog smirk. "You called," she mocked in a deep voice.

Sam's face wiped into a dark look as he finally realized what was happening, "Catherine. Where's Alayna?"

She didn't grace him with a response, simply turned her attention to something going on over his shoulder. He jerked around to see Alayna across the room with a certain blue eyed demon.

Catherine smirked, "would you look at that."


He made a move toward her, but Catherine stopped him with a hand on his chest, "Sam, don't," he ignored her, shoving her hand away and going after his girlfriend and Daryl.

He stopped at the edge of the pool table, but Alayna didn't seem to notice him as he held the pool stick out to Daryll with a smile. "It's your turn," She said.

Daryll grinned down at her, jerking her forward with the pool stick so she was flush against his chest. "Prepare to lose," he grinned, enticing the girl to let out a soft giggle as he slipped the stick from her fingers.

"Ooh, ouch," he turned to see Catherine standing just behind him, a mocking pout in her lips. "Did that hurt you?"

Sam's frown deepened darting his gaze from the Doppelgänger and back to Alayna to see Daryll had his arms around her, guiding her as she shot the pool stick.

"I don't want to hurt you Sam," Catherine reached up a hand to cup his cheek forcing him to look at her. "But I will if you don't stop getting in my way."

Sam woke with a start, gasping loudly, his chest rising and falling with every movement. Alayna, who was sleeping on his chest, woke up as well, "what's wrong?" She asked, not moving from her spot.

"Nothing," he let out a heavy sigh, remembering his dream. "Just a bad dream, go back to sleep." She hummed curling into his chest. That's when Sam remembered she had left with Karoline to go get breakfast and coffee. He shot up out of bed trying to put as much distance between him and the girl in his bed. "Catherine," he scowled.

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