The Van Allen's Vs Long Distance Call

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Dean was on the phone whilst eating a fast food burger when Sam and the girls reached him after interviewing a professor who might have had some information on soul contracts and hell. They'd come up empty handed, and things were starting to get frustrating. "Yep, I got it. Okay, bye," Dean said, hanging up and simultaneously throwing Karoline a soda as they reached the bench he was sitting on. She caught it and debated whether it was now safe to open without getting it all over her shirt, passing it on to Sam with a shrug. "So?" Dean prompted, still chewing on the last of his food.

"So, the professor doesn't know anything." Alayna informed him with a dejected sigh.

"Shocking," Dean muttered with an 'I told you so' look at the three of them. Karoline and Alayna shared a look, the latter rolling her eyes. "Pack your panties, guys, we're hitting the road." He then announced, walking passed them back toward the car.

"What? Where are we going?" Karoline asked, looking over at him with a frown.

"Yeah, what's up?" Sam asked.

Dean stopped to turn and look at them, "That was Tom. Some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio and he thinks there's a spirit involved." Karoline frowned at the fact her father would call Dean and not her. She pulled out her phone only to find out it was dead. That explained it.

"So, you two were talking a case?" Sam asked confused, they were already in the middle of something.

"No, we were actually talking about our feelings. And then our favorite boy bands," Dean said sarcastically, walking back towards where Karoline was standing. She snickered, shaking her head in amusement, Sam had walked right into that one. "Yeah, we were talking a case!"

"So, a spirit, what?" Alayna asked, raising an eyebrow at Dean.

"Yeah, the banker was talking about some sort of electrical problems at his pad for like a week. Phone was going haywire, computer flipping on and off." He explained.

"Huh..." Sam muttered unconvinced.

"This is not ringing your bell?" Dean asked, looking at his brother with raised eyebrows.

"I'd love to check this out, but we already have a case." Karoline cut in, shaking her head.

"Whose?" Dean turned to look at her curiously.

"Yours." She countered with a quirked eyebrow.

"Right. Yeah. Well, you could've fooled me." Dean said, turning and starting to walk away towards the parking lot. Karoline stared at him open mouthed, wondering where the attitude had suddenly come from.

"Well, what the hell else have we been doing lately other than trying to break your deal?" Sam asked in an irritated tone. Dean stopped and turned back to them with a frustrated look.

"Chasing our tails, that's what," He said with a sigh. "Guys, we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer and two bit carny act in the lower 48. Nobody knows squat! And we can't find Bela, we can't find the Colt. So, until we actually find something, I'd like to do my job." He was right about the chasing their tails things, the last month had just been one failed piece of information after another, they were getting no where.

Sam looked at Dean, his eyes determined and stubborn, "Well there's one thing we haven't tried yet..."

"Sam, no." Dean said shaking his head.

"We should summon Ruby and Daryll." Sam said, and even Karoline had to side with Dean on this one.

"I'm not gonna have this fight with you." Dean shot it down quickly, just as stubborn as Sam.

Kiss It All Better ~ Supernatural FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang