The Van Allen's vs Malleus Maleficarum

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Dean stormed into the motel room first, flicking on the light switch as he did so

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Dean stormed into the motel room first, flicking on the light switch as he did so. Karoline followed behind, closely, trying to calm him down but he was livid. Sam and Alayna followed them inside hesitantly. "What the hell were you thinking?" Dean snapped turning to face his little brother. Alayna looked anxiously between the pair as Sam rolled his eyes.

"What?! What the Hell was I thinking?" Sam retorted with a sarcastic look.

"She's a demon, Sam. They both are," He gave a pointed look to Alayna who looked down at her hands. "Period. All right? They want us dead, we want them dead."

"Right, and that Demon in Ohio, Casey? What was that?" Alayna shot back, a hand on her hip and an eyebrow raised, defending Sam's actions. "I never did hear you once get on Kari about trying to save her."

Dean shrugged off his jacket and tossed it onto the bed. "Yeah, well she wasn't stringing her along like a fish on a hook." He claimed, turning to face Sam and Alayna again.

"No one's stringing me along!" Sam insisted. "Look, I know it's dangerous, that she is dangerous, that they both are, but like it or not, they're useful."

"We need to kill them before they decide to kill us." Karoline spoke up, unsurprisingly taking Dean's side in the argument.

"Kill them with what?" Sam echoed dubiously, his arms crossed and a sarcastic questioning look on his face. "The gun they fixed for us?"

"Whatever works." Dean shrugged, throwing his arms out to the side.

"Dean, if they wants us dead, all they have to do is stop saving our lives." Alayna countered, crossing her arms. Dean scoffed, going into the bathroom and flicking on the sink to let the water run warm.

"Look," Sam continued, following after his brother, looking back at Alayna and Karoline the latter having sat down on the bed and dropped her head into her hands with a groan. "We have to start looking at the big picture guys, start thinking in strategies and - and moves ahead. It's not so simple, we're not - we're not just hunting anymore. We're at war."

Dean flicked off the sink, grabbing a towel to dry off his face as he met Sam's gaze through the mirror, "Are you feeling okay?" He asked, turning to face his brother as he dabbed his face dry.

"Why are you always asking me that?" Sam asked, perplexed as he took a seat on the edge of the bed Karoline was laying on. Dean followed him out of the bathroom and leant up against the doorway.

"Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters."

Alayna shot Dean a pointed look as she sat on the open seat next to Sam, "It's just, you seem a little... okay with just offing someone."

"Yeah, and what has that gotten me?" Sam shot back and Alayna went quiet knowing exactly what he was thinking about. Jake. She glanced back at Karoline who had sat up, looking between the three of them quietly.

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