The Van Allen's vs Bela Talbot... One Last Time

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It was getting on to dusk when Sam and Karoline reached the third lot of Cabins. They'd spent the day investigating their options, and this was the last place they could think to look. If it wasn't this place they would be looking for a needle in a haystack. Climbing out of the Buick and locked it, Sam rechecked the map and then led the way through the woods. "Are we sure this is it?" Karoline asked looking around.

Sam rolled his eyes as this was the hundredth time she'd asked, "I'm pretty sure."

The sun had set by the time they came to the third cabin, Sam had his flashlight out, shining it in the windows while Karoline had her gun drawn and pointed at the ground. The place was empty, but unlike the others, there was evidence of someone having been living there. Sam opened the door, grimaced as it creaked and as Karoline hit his shoulder. "Sh." She hushed him like he could control and they slowly entered. 

On the desk there were a number of papers and a journal, Sam pocketed the journal and then moved to the cellar. The stairs were old and rickety, but looked recently used, and there was no dust on the hand railings or steps as they climbed down them. The light from Sam's flashlight hit a gurney and he looked in horror at a body upon it, moving slowly forward. "Okay..." Karoline nodded following suit. The benches nearest them were covered in an array of ancient medical tools and supplies, but their eyes were drawn back to the body. it was a young man, and he was clearly dead, his chest cavity cut open. 

A slight noise caught Karoline's attention to the back room and she saw old sheets hanging like curtains, obscuring her view. "Sam." She called his attention quietly, as she pushed through the curtains and came upon a young woman strapped down to a bench, her forearm exposed with a large piece of skin missing - the gaping wound was surgically cut and had hundred of maggots crawling about on it. Sam grimaced, looking closer at her and reaching out to place his fingers on her neck. Suddenly, she woke up, gasping for air and both Sam and Karoline jumped, not expecting that.

"Shh! Shh! Shh! It's okay." Sam said urgently to her, trying to quiet her down as her breath came fast and frightened, she whimpered, trying to move. Sam looked up at Karoline who shrugged. "We're here to help you. We're here to help you. We're gonna help you." Sam reassured her. Karoline reached for a nearby towel and tossed it to Sam. He took it and looked at her bloodied arm, shushing her as he tried to put the towel around the wound. She whimpered and Sam looked at her, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

The doors upstairs opened and the woman started crying uncontrollably. Karoline covered her mouth, but there was a hesitation in his step. They listened as he walked toward the cellar and saw the light from a lantern flare through the floorboards. Sam quickly unstrapped the woman, Karoline's fingers silencing her as best as she could. Looking around Karoline spotted a window to the cellar and jerked her chin at it to get Sam's attention. Sam quickly moved to open it, propping it up with a piece of wood. Lifting the girl up first, the girl managed to wriggle out the window in spite of her injury. Sam helped Karoline out before she turned and helped him up in turn. They had to move quickly, because they knew he'd be right behind them. 

It was faster to carry the girl, she was weak from having gone through such an ordeal. Sam picked her up in his arms, running for the car with Karoline following. She jogged ahead to get the door unlocked and opened for when Sam caught up. "Okay, watch your head, watch your head." The girl whimpered as Sam put her in the back seat. "Sorry." Karoline and Sam had barely gotten into the front seat's and started the engine when Benton came out of nowhere, smashing the window, grabbing Karoline's head and slamming it against the wheel. Sam shifted in his seat to kick him back as Karoline threw the car into reverse, her head spinning as she tried to get away. All she could hear was the blood rushing in her ear, the girl screaming in the back seat, and Sam trying to calm her. She threw the car into drive and floored it, running straight over Benton and kept on driving. Their priority was on the girl now, and Sam had the journal, they had to get her to safety. 

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