The Van Allen's vs Freeman Daggett

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Dean started walking through the house, going from room to room, ignoring everyone else who was following him, screaming for Corbett and Karoline. Suddenly he realized he was alone and he sighed.

Where did they go?

He doubled back to find Ed and Harry in what barely passed for a fight, and Maggie caught in the middle of it. "Hey!" Dean yelling, getting in the middle of it and breaking them up. "What the hell are you doing?! Cut it out! We're down by two people. Where's Sam and Alayna?" 

"Here," He turned to see Alayna and Sam coming up the hallway towards him and breathed a sigh of relief, it was bad enough Karoline was missing he didn't need the only other two people he could stand at the moment missing too. 

"I'm sorry." Ed apologized, walking back over to Spruce. "Give me my glasses. Did he knock my -- my tooth there?" 

"Uh, no." Spruce replied, shaking his head.

"I won that, right?" Ed asked for reassurance.

"Yep. You're good." Spruce assured him. Dean just stared, flabbergasted and then threw his hands up in the air and he turned to Sam and Alayna. 

"We need to find Kare," He reminded them of what they already knew. "At this point maybe if the spirit took these idiots, it'd actually help." He muttered walking passed them. 


Karoline woke up to a dark room with the music, 'It's My Party' playing in through the room. There was the tiniest amount of light coming from Corbett's headlamp, he was tied to a chair at a table and unconscious, it was about all she could see from the angle of his head.

"Corbett. Corbett." Karoline called his attention, trying to wake him up. She was tied just as securly to a chair and unlike most people who often made the mistake of tying her up like a girl, this spirit wasn't taking any chance. She was stuck and there was no wriggling out of this one. "Hey. Corbett, hey."

Her eyes widened when he started to stir, his light flashing around the room as he tried to get his bearings. It flashed across the table revealing cake and confetti on it. "Karoline?" Corbett asked, looking over at the blonde. 

Karoline squinted in the direct light and nodded, "Corbett, you need to stay awake. Just listen to my voice, okay?" She said to him, trying to sound more reassuring than she felt. 

"Don't listen." A deep voice came from the darkness and Corbett glanced around frantically, starting to panic. "It stops hurting, so don't worry."

Karoline frowned, not liking the sound of that one bit, Daggett, the spirit of the man who'd last owned the house stepped into the circle of light from the headlamp, he was brandishing as knife.

"Corbett, stay with me," Karoline gulped audibly. "Come on, stay with me, okay? I'm right here, just stay with me." She continued, watching as the spirit moved behind the frantic kid. Karoline grimaced, "Please, don't." She begged, but Daggett didn't listen, slitting Corbett's throat right in front of her in one swift motion. 

"No! Corbett!" She gasped, watching as blood poured from the boys throat and then fell forward on to the table, his light shining in her general direction. She couldn't catch her breath, suddenly terrified of what was going to happen. Dean, Sam, and Alayna, they'd be looking for her, but they'd also been looking for Corbett and hadn't found him. 

"Dean!" She yelled, her breathing starting to come in short bursts as Daggett moved clsoer to her. "Don't. Alayna! Sam! Get away from me!" She shouted, breathing hard.

"This won't hurt," He promised. "It's okay. It's okay. Relax... relax." He cooed and Karoline started to hyperventilate a little as he reached out for her. She stilled her breathing as much as she could, if she was going to get through this she had to start thinking straight. She couldn't let herself panic. They'd save her. Daggett reached out and strapped a party hat to her head.

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