The Van Allen's vs Post-It Note

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Up above is a beautiful Dearoline edit I found on youtube by Lucy's Heart. Im seriously inlove with all her edits. This one specifically I feel fits Dean and Karoline well.

Karoline was sleeping while Dean sat at the table looking over at her tangled up in the sheets, a small smile on her face. Suddenly his phone started to ring showing the 'SHA33' caller ID and he grabbed it quickly before it woke Karoline, walking into the bathroom. "Dad?" He whispered into the phone.

"Dean." His voice came through strong and clear.

"Is it really you?" Dean asked.

"It's me." He answered.

"How can I be sure?

"You can't." He answered and Dean sighed with frustration. "Dean, how could you do it?" He asked, and Dean frowned.


"Sell your soul." He answered simply.

"I was looking after Sam, like you told me to." Dean said, feeling the fear of disappointing him come up in his chest.

"I never wanted this. Never. You're my boy, I love you. I can't watch you to go to hell, Dean." He said.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how to stop it." Dean apologized softly.

"'Cause if you break the deal Sam dies, right?" He asked.

"What?" Dean echoed. How did he know that?"

"Well I know a way out. For both of you." He said. 

"How?" Dean asked, feeling his heart start beating hard in his chest, maybe he could help get him out of this deal. 

"The demon who holds your contract. He's here. Now."

Karoline woke up to Dean on the laptop, which he'd obviously gone to get out of Sam and Alayna's room, while they were sleeping. He was typing furiously at the keys and looked up as she sat up in bed, frowning at him. "Have you even slept?" She asked, looking at the clock radio on the bedside table, it was 5AM

"Huh? Oh yea, a little." He shook his head. Karoline could tell it hadn't been much just by the look in his eyes.

"What're you doing?" She asked with a groan. "Come on, Dean, you need to sleep."

Dean groaned, and looked over at her with a grin. "Later," He said and she raised her eyebrow at him. "Dad called."

Karoline frowned a bit, but quickly changed it to a small smile, "What'd he say?"

"He said the Demon is here, now, the one that holds my contract." He answered, excitement and hope in his voice.

"How would he know that?" Karoline asked.

"I don't know, how do spirits know anything? They just know." Was the only response he gave before turning back to the computer. Karoline let out a heavy sigh, getting up to get dressed. 

Several hours later Karoline had just finished up her phone call with her Dad, checking out the exorcism Dean had asked her to. She was only now just getting back from the diner across the street, having grabbed some breakfast. She hung up and went inside, Dean now had a stack of printings from the computer next to him and was still staring at the screen, completely obsessed. Karoline put a large coffee in front of him and pulled out the breakfast Sandwich she picked up for him. "Eat." She ordered him, and he looked up at her with tired and worn eyes. He took the Sandwich and Karoline smiled, kissing him on the lips. That's when there was a knock at the door, "Come in!" Karoline called out, noticing that for once in their life Sam and Alayna actually waited before entering. 

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