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With his hand clasped tightly around mine, Prince quietly lead me up the curved staircase towards his bedroom, the only sound being made was the synchronized clicks of our heels on the tile.

"Hey." He finally spoke right as we made it halfway up the stairs, pausing with one foot on the next tread.


Prince nodded his head in the general direction of his library, his eyes glinting and a mischievous smirk lifting the corners of his mouth, just enough to be noticeable, "What got into you down there?"

I shrugged, "I thought I'd surprise you since you so graciously laid it all out for me on my bed." Referring to the lingerie still adorning my body.

"No." He chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm talking about when you pushed me to the ground and told me to make you come."

I squinted, looking into his hazel eyes, trying to piece together his recollection of events to what actually happened, "That's not exactly what happened, but..." I shrugged, feeling embarrassment take over. "I don't know."

"Well, that's how I remember it." Our feet resumed the climb of the stairs, "You know," he continued, looking at his own hand glide up the banister, "you drive me so crazy sometimes."

"How so?"

"I couldn't even get you out of my head today and then I come home and just... everything about you..." He stammered for the right words to say, "You're gonna make me fall in love with you, Bambi."

Trying to hide my smile by biting down on my bottom lip, I stayed silent as we reached the top of the stairs.

Our relationship seemed to be progressing at lightening speed, but everything just felt so right with Prince. Every look he made, every touch he gave and every word he spoke made the butterflies in my stomach dance and a warmth grow from deep within my heart.

Still holding tightly onto my hand, he walked me down the short hallway. My eyes wouldn't leave his that stared back, only looking away for moments at a time to make sure we were headed in the right direction. It was then that I realized somehow my lip had escaped the confinements of my teeth, giving way to a dorky smile that formed on my mouth.

My stare suddenly shifted from his eyes when he lead me just inside of his darkened bedroom. Waiting for what seemed like hours for him to switch on the light, I knew his room would be vastly different from mine, but I couldn't picture it in the least.

He flipped the switch and what I saw before me screamed Prince. His bedroom was lavish and huge, not unlike the luxurious decor downstairs. The walls were painted a warm cream color and were embellished with bright gold picture frames housing photos of himself and a few others with expensive looking paintings he'd probably acquired during his travels around the world.

The bed was what I would've imagined any rockstars bed to be like. Big and over the top, the headboard was an ornately carved wood painted in gold leaf with a deep purple comforter and crisp white sheets made of silk.

While I looked around, absorbing my surroundings, Prince made his way to the bed, flipping up the covers. "You coming?" He asked, looking back at me.

"Yeah." I took off my wool trench coat, flinging it over the back of one of the plush chairs in the sitting area positioned in the corner of the room before meeting him on the side of the bed where he sat.

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