Chapter 1

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I woke up when my alarm sounded. Today was school. Just "great". I drag myself out of bed and take a quick shower. I quickly change and head downstairs for breakfast.

Unfortunately, my sister's up. Now I have to hear her blab about some boy. When I finish, I head on out to my car. (Yes, I can drive) My sister goes in her own car with all her bratty friends. (Thank god) As I pull in the parking lot, there are several people waving at me and saying hello. As soon as I get out of my car, I'm embraced by my best friend since kindergarten. "Hey Peaches!" "Hi Riles!" She lets go and we walk into the high school.

As we walk to my locker, everyone is greeting us, as if we were celebrities. As I open my locker, Riley asks,"Are you busy this Friday?" "Depends. Why?" "Because there's a party Friday night and I don't want to go alone." I think about it for a bit and then agree. "Great! I'll see you later. I have to go meet my dad. I bet he's just gonna lecture me about something." "Ok. Bye Honey!" She leaps away being all smiley Riley. Typical.

As I close my locker, I'm surrounded by my sister and her friends. (A/N: Her sister is Missy with 4 other girls. Their names are Janel, Olivia, Mia, and Libby. Janel has dark brown on the top half of her hair and light brown on the bottom, Olivia has dirty blond hair on the top half and red on the bottom half, Mia has long black hair and usually wears it up high, and Libby has long brown hair. And you guys already know who Missy is.)

"Can I help you with something?" "Did you finish our math homework?" "Of course." They all smirked. "Not." They looked at me like they were gonna rip me apart. "You guys should learn to do your own work and not cheat so much." "Maybe we would. But we actually have a life. Unlike u." "Really? And what would that 'life' of urs involve? Gossiping? Boys? Selfies? U all just waste ur time flirting with guys who r clearly not into u. And u drama queens think I don't have a life. Is that really what u think? Cause, I'm pretty sure that I actually have real friends. Not like u fake-ass bitches." I say, walking away. I smirk as I hear them creating drama behind me.

As Maya walks away after confronting her sister, I start to think about how perfect she is. She is very smart and very strong (probably stronger than the strongest boy in the school). She can be a rebel sometimes, but does follow the rules (most of time). She's so beautiful and talented. She sings perfectly, is the best artist, and is kind to everyone. Even the bullies (unless she's standing up for herself or someone else).

As I continue thinking about Maya, Farkle walks up behind me and says,"Stop drooling over her and just go get her!" Farkle is one of the few single guys that isn't into Maya. (About 90% of all the single boys are interested in Maya) "I can't!" "Why not?"

"Because she's so perfect. And I'm so...not. There's no way I'd have a chance with her. Besides, she said it herself. She's not that interested in getting into a relationship." "She said that a month ago. She could've changed her mind." "Fine. I'll do it. If it makes you stop bugging me about it."

"Finally!" "On one condition." "Oh no." "You have to be there with me." "But it'll be a special moment! I don't want to interfere or make things awkward." "Too bad. It was your idea and this is the only way I'm doing it." "Fine. But do it by Friday." It was Monday. I had an entire week. "Ok. Deal." We shook on it. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Maya Hart (Lucaya)(Slow Updates)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu