Chapter 21

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Something strange is going on.

I was just walking into my room after Riley yelled at me and then everything went black. It felt so strange, like I was being controlled. I was trying to go back to normal, and I started screaming and yelling in frustration.

When things looked normal again, my room was trashed. Part of my window is broken and by 80 pound bookcase is on the floor. All the posters on the walls were ripped somewhere and the lamp is on the floor surrounded by glass shards from the picture frame that was next to it. My bed sheets were ripped and the bed frame was cracked.

I felt so frustrated, confused, and upset. I leaned against the wall next to the door and slid down it, crying into my hands.

I heard the door open but I didn't look up yet, still upset.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. I was in shock. It was my father.


"Maya?" I immediately recognize the soft voice of my mother. I look up, with tears still running down my cheeks.

She lends me her hand and helps me up while Shawn, Riley, Lucas, and Farkle look around my room.

"What happened honey?" Mom asks with a soft voice. I take a deep breath and slowly stop crying. "Idk mom... I came up here and everything suddenly looked black. It felt so strange, like I was being possessed." Mom and dad share a glance when I say that. "When things looked normal again, my room was trashed."

"Baby girl, did anything happen when u were with ur father?" "Not that I'm aware of... the last thing I remember is when he was holding some needle and after that, things r kinda fuzzy but I thought I took care of him."

Mom and dad look at each other with worried and scared faces. "Katy, what's wrong?" I forgot Lucas, Riley, and Farkle r still here.

"Maya, when ur friends came and told us what happened at Riley's, we knew it wasn't u. Ur father and I started thinking and talking about it and with what u're telling us now, it confirms our theory."

I look at them, confused. "What theory?"

"Ur father has control of u and how u use ur powers."

This was just a filler chapter sorry :/ Next update will be soon 😉

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