Chapter 17

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As Riley, Farkle, Katy, Shawn, and I were almost ready to go find Maya, she herself walks through the door.

"PEACHES!!!!!!!!!!" Riley run and hugs Maya, but of course, her clumsiness lead them falling onto the floor.

"Riles. I can't- breathe." Riley quickly lets go and gets up, also helping up Maya. The rest of us go and give her a hug. I went last.

"I'm so glad u're ok." I tell her while giving her a big but gentle hug.

"I'm fine Huckleberry. I hope I guys didn't have too much fun without me."

"Fun? We were all too worried about u to have fun." I look at her with concern.

I feel like something's wrong with her. I don't know y but I just do. Then, Katy asks something I've been wondering for a while.

"Did anything happen to u after u went with ur biological father?" "Hold up. That was her dad?!" "Yes Riley. I think it's ok for u to know about it since u already know everything else."

"Maya's biological father, Kermit, left before he knew about my second pregnancy. He was 'too overwhelmed' with one child so he left a few days before I found out about being pregnant again. A few days later, I met Shawn and after a while of going out, we got married about 2 weeks before Maya arrived. Days after us getting married, a war broke out, good vs evil. When Maya was born and we found out about her extra powers, so did Kermit. Turns out that he was the new leader of the dark side (I don't really know what to call it 😐). The dark side is full of people who have officially decided to be evil and dark for the rest of their lives. Anyway, her father found out about Maya and tried attacking us. We were able to keep her safe, but we weren't sure for how long. So, that's when we decided to leave. We built our own home here and when Maya got old enough, we started to teach her how to use and control her powers. When she was 10 she met Kermit for the first time. He tried to hurt her but she was able to defeat him. After that, she spent more time practicing than before in case he came back. Shawn and I tried to locate him, but he stayed off the grid for years. We've sent her to go help other people who secretly have powers for extra practice. And that leads up to now."
That was a long explanation 😅 Hope this clears things up a bit. In the next chapter, u'll find out what happened to Maya 😁😜

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