Chapter 22

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I look at her for a moment, processing what she just said.

"What do u mean he's controlling me?" "Did u see what color the liquid in the needle was?" "It was black."

"When that liquid is injected into someone, there's no way of getting rid of it. It gives the person who used it, in this case ur father, the ability to control whomever they inject, which is u. Every time he has control, u're appearance will look more and more dark and u'll have less control of what u do, giving him more. Also, u won't always remember what happened when u loose control."

That makes sense... wait. But that means I could hurt someone. I can't risk that. I love them too much. I continued thinking while the rest of them kept talking.

What got my attention was when Riley asked, "Isn't there and anecdote? She's not going to be like this forever, right?" I look over at my parents with a hopeful face.

They look at me with sad faces. "There's no known cure. The spell is so rare and difficult to do that no one has found a way to break it."

All my friends come together for a group hug. Riley tries to assure me saying, "Don't loose hope Peaches. I know we'll find a way."

I smile at her and begin to think. If there's no anecdote, then I'm a danger to everyone around me. I have to leave. I can't let myself loose control and hurt them. I'll be gone by tomorrow night.

Hey guys! Sorry it's so short and that I haven't posted in a while. I've been reading a lot of books and slowly working on other books when I get inspiration (cause I'm lazy) and I've been getting so distracted by Sabby lately and I've been panicking about a hurricane for the past 3 weeks. I'll try to update soon.

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