Chapter 10

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"Maya, what happened to u?" "It's nothing Ranger Rick." "What do u mean 'it's nothing'?! U literally just passed out! How is that nothing?!" I look at Lucas, shocked by his sudden outburst.

"Look guys. It was just something minor. It's not a big deal so can u plz just leave it alone?" I say, my voice slightly rising with each word.

"Peaches. I know something is going on and it's bothering u. But we can't help you if u don't tell us." She knows me too well. "I will. In time. I'll tell u when I think ur ready to understand." "Maya. Can't u tell us now? If it involves big words, I can translate." "Thanks Farkle. But not yet." "I understand. But just know that we're ur best friends. We won't judge or leave u."

I sigh, remembering that she was right. They are my best friends, and I should be able to trust them with anything. "Ok." "Wait. Ur actually going to tell us?" "It may actually be best if I tell u now, since I probably won't be able to later." I take a deep breath before starting.
Sorry it's short, but I really like doing cliffhangers, 😜😁

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