Chapter 12

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Quick A/N: They are all 17-18 and r juniors in high school.

-Unknown POV-
Before she could say anything, I teleported us all outside to a quiet and remote park.

She immediately told her friends to take cover as she started attacking me, using her magic. I use my shield and shot back with my dark magic. She dodged it and we continued going back and forth until I realized that the plan had to get started.

"WAIT." I say when she was about to shoot. After she caught her breath, she looked at me with shock and denial. "How r u here? I made sure u'd never return."

"Oh sweetie. I told u I'd come back for u if it was the last thing I'd do. And I've finally gained the strength to return. But not alone." I say with my signature smirk. Three of my partners came and grabbed her pathetic friends. The big guy tried to fight back, but I made sure to give my partners extra strength.

"Let them go." Maya says, holding out her hand at me, about to attack.

"U hurt me, I hurt ur friends." I threatened with an evil smile.  She looked at her friends and then back at me. She put her hand down and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Here's the deal. U come with me and ur friends will not be harmed. If u don't, I'll make sure their life is a living hell."

"Don't do it Peaches! We'll be okay." "I can't let him do that to u. He will torture u with no mercy. I have to go." "Wise decision dear."

I wave my arm and a portal appears. I gesture for Maya to go through it. She takes one last look at her friends and leaves, despite all her friends protesting.

"Don't worry kids. U'll see her again. Sooner than u think." I say with an evil smirk sneaking on my face. I follow Maya through the portal as my partners sprinkle sleeping dust on her friends and follow me.

Maya Hart (Lucaya)(Slow Updates)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ