Chapter 5

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It's morning again and time for school. I really don't like school, but I do enjoy seeing my friends. As I get ready, I keep on replaying what happened yesterday with Maya. She seemed a bit more rude than usual. Something's up with her and I'm gonna ask her.

At School
As soon I open the doors, Farkle comes running up to me.

"Ifimallymadeamovewithriley!" "What? Slow down dude!" He takes a deep breath and calms down. "I finally made a move with Riley!" "What?! That's great man!" He starts smiling like an idiot, still not telling me what happened. "What did u say?" "I told her how I felt and she said that she feels the same way!" "Nice." "Now that I've made my move, it's ur turn with Maya."

"What? I'm sorry but I can't yet." "Why not?" "Because she's like, that most popular girl in the school and literally every guy in the school likes her! If I tell her, she'll just think of me like all the other guys." "Then tell her how ur different. She won't see u the same if u show her something special about u."

"Do u really think she'd listen?" "Y wouldn't she?" Should I tell him? Eh. Y not. "Well, last night, I saw her walking to the forest and I decided to follow her; just to see what she was doing. When she realized that I was there, she got really upset."

"That's unlike her..." "Exactly. There's something going on with her." "Maybe u can help her." I finally give in and wait for Maya at her locker.

I didn't really feel like going to school today so I just decided to skip today, pretending that I'm sick. I text Riley and tell her and she almost immediately replies saying ok. I wait until Missy is gone to see my mom.

When I hear the front door close, I go downstairs to see my mom and dad getting ready for work. "Hey guys"

"Maya? Why aren't you dressed?" "I just wanted more time for practice. I'm learning new things and I have to practice them." My parents sigh and dad (Since I don't think I've mentioned it before, Shawn is her step father) says,"Ok fine. You can stay today but you're going back tomorrow."

I smile and hug them both goodbye. I go to my room and walk to my bookshelf.  I pull out two books and pull a special one to open a secret room. I walk inside and read them and try out the new skills. Do you know what to my secret? Well then. I'm a-

A/N: Sorry about the cliffhanger. Guess what you think her secret is. Bye!

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