Chapter 6

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I'm a- "MAYA!!!!!!!!" I sigh as put away my books and go downstairs. I see Riley in the kitchen.

"Hey Riles. What are you doing here- WAIT A MINUTE." She looks at me confused. Riley is in my house!!! She CAN NOT be here! Mom will kill me!

"What is it Maya?" I grab her arm and drag her outside and sit her on the steps to the porch. "Why did u bring me out here?" "I just like the fresh air."

She nods and tells me that when I don't come to school, she gets really bored and has no reason to stay. We talk for about half an hour until she leaves to head back to school so she isn't accused of skipping (because if her parents find out, she be in a lot of trouble). I go back inside to continue studying and practicing.

It was kinda weird how Maya immediately brought me outside when she saw I was in there. But she has always liked being outside more than inside, so it seems normal of her.

I sneak back into school and see that it's lunch time. After getting my lunch, I decide to sit with Lucas and Farkle, since Farkle and I have an unofficial thing going.

As I sit down, I give Farkle a quick hug and greet Lucas. "Hey Farkle. Hey Lucas." They both replay saying hey back. "Can you help us with something?" "Sure. What is it?" "Well. You see, my buddy here really likes your best friend but if afraid of rejection." "Farkle!" "What? She could help you." Lucas face palms himself. I quietly laugh. "What do u want to know?"

"What do u want to know?" I think for a bit. I could ask if she was hiding something, but I think it's something she should tell me herself. "Just the basics. Like her favorite things."

"Well, she likes the color yellow, her favorite animal is a Samoyed, and she likes guys that are kind, humble,and fun." "Well then she has the perfect guys right here!" "Farkle! I'm not a perfect guy." "Just tell her how you feel." I sigh. "Ok. Thanks Riley." She smiles and says, "Np." "Hey, why wasn't she here today?" Riley shrugged.

"She texted me this morning telling me that she was skipping cause she didn't feel like coming." "Have u noticed that she's been acting a bit strange?" "Ya. When I went inside her house, she dragged me outside to her porch. I just went with it since I know she prefers being outside than inside." Should I tell her about my encounter last night? Eh. Y not?

"Last night, I saw her walking by my house into the forest and I followed her. When she saw me, she seemed super pissed." Riley frowned. "That IS strange... but if she's hiding something, we gotta let her know that we won't judge or get mad. Maybe she'll open up. But I don't think we should pressure her or sneak around to find out cause I don't want to lose her." Farkle and I nodded. "I've got an idea! I can text her and tell her to meet us at Topanga's after school. Then, we can all talk to her." "Ok."

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Lunch was over and we all went our separate ways. For the rest of my classes, I just stared at the clock and before I know it, school's over. After putting away my things, I get Farkle and we drive to Topanga's.

Maya Hart (Lucaya)(Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now