Chapter 11

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"Firstly, I should tell u that I'm not from this world. I come from a place where people r born with powers. Some r supernatural, others just have powers. I know this may sound crazy, but I promise that I'm not making it up."

"It's ok Maya. U know u can trust us. We won't tell a soul." Riley promised.

"Thx Riles. When I was born, my parents found out that I had a lot more magical abilities than I was supposed to have. There was also a war going on. The typical 'evil vs good' kinda war. My parents wanted to ensure that I was safe so we all moved here to New York. My house was build by my parents so they could teach me how to use my powers. And that's y I could never be allowed to have any friends in my house. My parents were afraid that someone would find out our secret and expose us to the other side. I'm sorry I never told u guys, I was just afraid something bad would happen."

They were all staring at me, jaws open. Farkle was the first to speak. "What kind of powers do u have?" "I have a lot. Which is y we had to leave. With so much power, people will come after me."

"No one's coming after u. Not on my watch." Lucas says with an angry yet protective look on his face. "Thank u Lucas, but I'm going to have to be able to fight my own battles. Which is y my parents r teaching me. Also, every so often, I help save people who r secretly supernatural too. My parents see it as a test for the real deal."

"Wait. So let me get this straight. U come from a supernatural world with powers and is being trained to fight bad guys?" Riley stared saying but ended as a question.

"Apparently so." I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It's him.

Maya Hart (Lucaya)(Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now