Chapter 15

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UGH!!! I hate doing laundry. Shawn is at work, Maya is busy with friends and Missy is at a sleepover so I have to do ALL the laundry.

Suddenly, I hear banging on the front door. I drop what I'm doing and look trough the peep hole. Outside, I see Maya's friends. I open the door and go outside.

"Hello Riley, Farkle, Lucas. What brings u here?" "Miss Hart-" "Please Lucas, just call me Katy." "Ok. Katy, it's about Maya. She told us ur secret but now, she's in danger."

She told them?! "Wait. What do u mean she's in danger?"

"Well, there was this guy and he made a deal with her that if she went with him that he wouldn't hurt us." Farkle explained.

"Oh no! This is bad. VERY bad! He probably took her to his secret lair. Who knows what he might do to her!" I gasp. "I have to call Shawn. We're gonna have to get her back."

"We're coming with u." Riley stated with confidence. "Uh, no u're not. I can't put u in danger. U guys r going to stay here and out of trouble." "But he used us to threaten her, which means he may come back for us if she doesn't compromise with him. So it'd actually be safer if we went with u."

"God dammit Farkle! Why r u also so smart." I sigh. "I guess u're coming with us. Go get ready. I'm going to call Shawn so we can get going as soon as possible."

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