Chapter One

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???'s Pov~

Angel was out with her boyfriend Elias on a surprise picnic at the park. He had her eyes covered so she couldn't see the surprise but he was guiding her to the park. "Elias, where are you taking me?", she asked. "It's a surprise", Elias said coming to a stop. He uncovered her eyes and she was shocked to see her two closest friends there yelling surprise with joy. "Davesha, Candy, what are you two doing here?", she asked with joy in her voice. "Well bitch we wanted to plan this surprise just for you before school starts", Davesha said hugging her. "Thanks so much bitch", she said. "Let's eat already, I'm hungry as fuck", Davesha said sitting on the blanket and eating.

Everyone finished and cleaned up and decided to take her home. Davesha was just bothering Candy while he was on his phone. Angel finally made it home and told all of them goodbye and thanks for the surprise. She saw all of them go to their homes and saw a moving truck come up next to her mansion. A guy with white hair and red eyes came out with a boy the same features. "Well this is our new home son", the guy said. "Why did we have to move?", the boy said. "Because of work son, now go say hello to our neighbours", the guy said.

Angel saw the boy go to everyone's house and then he came to hers. "Hello, my name is Abdiel its a pleasure to meet you", he said holding out his hand. "My name is Angel, it's a pleasure to meet you too", she said shaking his hand. "This is a lovely house you got there", he said. "Thank you, would you like to come inside?", she said. "I would love too", he said as he walked inside with her.

Abdiel's Pov~

I went inside Angel's house and it was way bigger from the inside. I looked around and saw a lot of diamonds and gold all around the place. "Wow, this house must have cost a fortune", I said in awe. "Yep but since my parents are rich it didn't really cost much", she told me. "Would you like something to drink?", she asked me. "Of course", I said sitting on the chair. She came back with lemonade and told me that she would be right back and with that she left. I was drinking my lemonade and day dreaming about how beautiful and perfect she was. I wanted her all to myself, I wanted her to become my princess and I her prince. I sighed and continued to dream about her until she came back and a knock was at the door. She went and answered it and came back with a boy. "Abdiel this is my best friend and boyfriend Elias", I heard her say. I did a low growl and introduced myself to him. "It's a pleasure to meet you", I heard him say. "The pleasure is all mine", I said shaking his hand.

Elias sat down next to me while Angel went to get more lemonade. "So what made you move to our town?", he asked me. "I moved here because of my father and the mayor job opening and I wanted to go to school here", I said smiling but that wasn't the only reason why I came here.

Angel finally came back with more lemonade and sat across from us. "I see you two are getting along well", she said. "Yep, I think him and I are going to be great friends", I heard Elias say. I nodded and smiled a bit at his answer. "Well you two it's almost curfew, I think you two should get home", she said. Then there was a knock at the door and she went to answer it. She came back with her parents who greeted us with a smile.

"Abdiel this is my parents and the owners of our town", Angel said. "Hello Abdiel it's so nice to meet you", her mother said shaking his hand. "Mom can Abdiel stay for dinner tonight?", she asked them. "It's up to him", her mom said. "I don't mind", Abdiel said. "Yay! I'll go call Davesha and Candy", she said running upstairs.


One hour later everyone was sitting at the dinner table eating and talking and getting along well with Abdiel. "Alright everyone, who wants to try my new cake?", Angel said placing it on the table. "I want a big piece", Candy said. "Fatass", Davesha said laughing. Angel cut everyone a piece and gave it to them. "Mmmmmm this is so tasty", Abdiel said. "Angel makes the finest and riches pastries in the whole town, she even has her own bakery", Elias said. "I will make sure to come to you for my birthday cake", Abdiel said. "Ok I'll make sure to remember that", Angel said giggling a little. Everyone waved Angel goodbye and went to their homes. Angel closed her door and went upstairs to get ready for tomorrow afternoon.


"How was the neighborhood son", Sylvester said. "The town is great dad, especially Angel", Abdiel said blushing. "Seems like you have a thing for that rich girl", Sylvester said. "Yep, I can't wait to see her tomorrow afternoon, we're going swimming", Abdiel said. "Then who will help me finish unpack these boxes?", he said. "I'll take all of my boxes to my room and unpack them there", Abdiel said taking his boxes to his room. He unpacked his boxes and placed a frame on the nightstand. "Oh Ännä you were so naughty to me, always running away and not accepting my love for you, well too bad because I got a new princess in my life", he said looking out the window and waving Angel goodnight. He went and turned off his lights and got into bed. "This girl is the one I need in my life and no one can replace her and take her from me", Abdiel said slowly drifting off to sleep.


The Forgotten AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon