Chapter Nine

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Angel's Pov~

I woke up and saw that I wasn't in my room. I was in a room fit for a princess. I slowly got out of bed and noticed that I had on a princess dress and a crown. I walked to the window and saw a bright red sky so I knew I wasn't home. "Princess Angel, the prince would like to see you", I heard a maid say. She guided me to his room and left. I heard screaming coming from behind the door so I took a peak.

"I thought I told you to clean this place up", I heard him say as he was beating a maid. "I'm sorry your majesty but I had to take care of our child", she said crying. I saw the child in his arms crying for his mother as he killed him. "No more child no more excuses", he said in a demonic voice. I couldn't hold in my tears anymore so I cried for the poor child. "You woke up the princess as well, I shall have your arm for that", I heard him say before I heard very loud screaming. I saw the maid fall on the floor holding the spot where her arm used to be. "Now get out of my room", he said. She ran out of the room and he saw me. He came to me and picked me and threw me on his bed.

"Good morning my love", he said smiling. I didn't say anything and looked away which made him angry and pick up my chin making me look at him. "I'm sorry you had to see that my love", he said calmly. I still didn't say anything, "I love it when you give me the silent treatment", he said kissing my cheek. "Do you love me?", he asked and I shook my head no. He growled, "You don't love me", he said as his eye twitches. He pinned me down on the bed, "Please don't hurt me", I said tearing up. "Say you love me and I won't", he said. I gulped, "I love you too", I said my stomach wanting to give out. He smiled and kissed me passionately. I didn't kiss back and he pulled away. "I have something to show you", he said picking me up and taking me to a room. I couldn't believe my eyes, "Elias!!!", I said. "Angel, is that you?!", he said tears filling his eyes. I ran up to him but stopped halfway. He looked different, he had white hair, purple eyes, black wings, razor sharp teeth and a long tail. "I will leave you two alone", Abdiel said leaving the room. Elias came up to her and she stepped back, "What's wrong Angel?", he said coming closer. "Your not Elias, your a monster!", she said backing away. Elias didn't show any emotion and walked up to her faster. She kept backing away until a wall stopped her. He walked up to her and trapped her with his arms. "Why so afraid my love?", he said as a smirk crossed his face. She didn't say anything but felt her body shake. "Aww you look cold, let me warm you up", he said holding her in his arms. "Let go!", she said squirming. "Shh, it's ok I won't hurt you", he said kissing her cheeks and stroking her hair.

He wrapped his tail around her to comfort her. She rested her head on his chest. "Why do I feel so safe in his arms? He feels like a soft pillow that could take my pain away as soon as I rest my head on it", she thought. "I missed your touch, even though I was turned into this, your touch is still the same", he said holding her closer. He heard a soft snore and looked to see Angel sleeping on his chest. He chuckled and picked her up and laid down on the bed with her. "Your still cute with your little snore", he said before drifting to sleep.


Candy and Amonojaku woke up in a unfamiliar room, "What happened?", they said rubbing their head. "Welcome boys to my fun room", a familiar voice said. Soulless walked in the room smiling, "What do you want Soulless?", Candy said. "I'm just giving Abdiel some time to play with Angel", he said ripping their clothes off. "Now let's have some fun", he said walking to them. He threw them on the bed and tied them up, "Such pretty bodies you two have and I get it all to myself", he said working his magic on them.


Angel woke up from her nap and got out of bed. She left the room and went back to hers, "Who is that guy? It's not Elias, he would never act like that, he's change", she said closing the door. She sighed, "Why did you leave my dear? Did I hurt you?", she heard a voice say. She turned around and saw Elias look at her worried. He walked up to her, "Do you not love me anymore?", he said blocking her. "I...", she spoke. "You don't love me, I can see it on your face", he said in a angry demonic voice. "Well guess what?", he said. "What?", she said. "Your not leaving me or this room ever again", he said picking her up and throwing her on the bed. He used his powers to block the door and windows, "Please let me go", she said. "No!", he yelled and chained her up. "No please, don't do this", she said worried about what will happen to her."You don't love me anymore so I have to", he said. "No, I do love you, you just startled me so I couldn't speak", she said. "You love me?", he said.

"Yes I do, I want things to go back to the way it was, I missed you so much", she said crying. He went over to her and hugged her. "It's ok, I missed you too my love", he said. She looked at him and kissed his cheek. "I love you", he said. "I love you too", she said pressing her lips against his. He kissed back and held her tight in his arms. They eventually pulled away and he put his head on her shoulder. "You hair is tickling my neck", she said. He shook his head making her laugh. "Cut it out", she said laughing. He stop after a while and kissed her neck. "Your kisses feel so warm Elias", she said. "Your neck is so soft", he said licking it. A knock was at the door and a maid came in. "Princess Angel, the prince ordered me to give Elias his shot", she said. "Ok", she said. The maid gave Elias his shot, "Now I suggest that you stay away from him until the side effects go out", she said before leaving the room.

"Those side effects are nothing but a bunch of shit", he said laying down on the bed. "I should at least do what the maid said and leave you here alone", she said getting up. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back in the bed. "Your not going anywhere", he said darkly. "Hey, let go!", she said. He didn't saw anything but pressed his lips against her roughly. He kissed her and rubbed his tail on her skin. She tried to get out of his grip but it didn't work.

He left her lips and nibbled on her ear. "Mmmmm so juicy", he said. "Elias stop this", she screamed. He ignored her and went for her neck. He bit and sucked on her neck. "Mmmm these side effects makes me love you even more", he said. "Elias let go!", she begged. "I will never let go!!", he yelled. He did this to her for hours until they both fell asleep in each others embrace.


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