Chapter Eighteen

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"Huh! Where am I?", Angel asked. She saw a bright light and walk towards it. She saw a beautiful lake and a garden full of Sonlox, "What is this place?", she asked. "Angel! You're not going to leave Candy all by himself right? You two are supposed to be going ice skating", her mom said. "No mother", she said running up to Candy. She jumped on him and he caught her, "You almost gave me a heart attack Angel", he said. "Sorry Candy", she said sadly. He laughed and placed a light pinch on her nose, "Now, let's go ice skating", he said. He took her hand and pulled her to the ice rink, "Candy, I'm terrible at skating and you know that", she said. "It's ok, I'll show you", he said as he stepped on the ice with her and slowly moved his feet. She followed his footsteps and skated along with him, "Like this", she asked. "Just like that, now I'm going to let go of your hands", he said letting go of her hands. "No don't!! I'll fall!!!", she yelled nearly falling. Candy caught her before her head touch the floor, "Don't worry I got you", he said softly as he moved a strand of hair from her face. Her face got red and her body got hot as he pressed his lips against hers. She tired and push him off but he just held onto her tighter as he kissed her rougher. He eventually let go, "Angel, why did you try and push me away? I thought you loved my kisses", he said. She slowly pushed herself away from him, "Candy, I..", she said. He gave her a sad look, "You don't love me anymore do you?", he asked sadly. She felt her phone ring and looked at it to see a text from Sebastian, "Sorry Candy but, I got to go", she said leaving him alone in the rink. A girl came up to him "Hey cutie, you single?", she asked. Candy snapped at hearing the word single and stabbed the girl. His face got dark and his eye twitched in anger, "I don't understand why she doesn't love me? No one cares for her more than me!!", he yelled. She heard screaming and yelling from the rink and Candy yelling her name. She saw a decapitated head fly by and turned back to see Candy in front of her, "C-Candy please don't hurt me", she begged. He laughed manically as she begged and stabbed her in the shoulder. "You'll be mine forever now", he said darkly as he knocked her out.

Angel jumped out of her sleep and hit her head, "Ow! My fucking head", she said rubbing it. "What was that just now?", she asked. She got up and walked towards the balcony, "Good morning Angel", a voice said. She looked and saw Kyle smiling at her, "Good morning Kyle", she said. "I was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast with me", he asked. "I don't mind, let me just get dressed", she said. "Great", he said giving her a smile. She went inside to shower and change clothes. She left the house and met up with Kyle, "Let's go", she said. He nodded and took her to a diner, "I heard this is the best diner in the whole town", he said with joy. She nodded and they went inside, "Welcome to Bonnet's diner, where we serve with a smile and nothing lower", Bonnie said. Angel laughed, "Nice outfit Bonnie, it really brings out your eyes", she said laughing harder.

"I'm only wearing this because Bonnet wants me too", he said. "Well it sure does suit you", she said. He growled at her and lead them to their table. "I'll be back soon to take your order", he said before going to another table. They looked at the menu and chose what they wanted to eat. Bonnie came to their tables,"What would you like to eat?", he asked. "I'll have some steak and eggs", Kyle said. He wrote it down, "And for you your highness", he said teasing her. A light pink appeared on her cheeks, "Why don't you surprise me?", she said blowing a kiss at him. He caught her kiss and blushed a little, "I'll be back with your meals", he said leaving them alone. When he left there was an awkward silence between them until Kyle spoke, "So, the town is nice", he said. She nodded, "It seems like a lot of people like you", he said. She nodded, "Are you going to talk to me at all?", he asked. "Why did you invite me to this?", she asked. "Because I wanted to get to know you", he said. "Why?", she asked raising a brow at him. "Because I can", he said. The food came back and they started eating, "The food here is great", he said trying to lighten up the mood. She ignored him and went back to eating, she finished her food and got up and left the diner. He stayed there and pondered about why she would run out like that, "It's not working she'll never be mine", he said. His dark side laughed, "Patience your highness she'll be yours soon, all we need to do is get to that cousin of hers and find out what she knows", he said holding his chin. After a few minutes of thinking a smirk appeared on his face, "How about we throw a little party tonight to celebrate that season everyone loves so much", he said. Cloud stopped for a second to think about it, "Other me your a genius!!", he yelled.


"I can't wait for tonight", Cbon said with joy. "What's happening tonight?", Angel asked. "Kyle is throwing a party and not just any party a Christmas party", she said screaming. "You must really like that boy", she said smirking at her. She blushed a little, "Maybe", she said. She laughed and helped her find something to wear for the party, "Aren't you coming? You love parties", she said. "No, I'm not going to this one", she said. "How come?", she asked. "I just got a bad feeling when I'm around him", she said fixing her dress and hair. "Go on and look at yourself", she told her as she put the finishing touches on her. Cbon went to the mirror and her eyes sparkled, "I love it, I look amazing", she said. Angel smiled, "I'm glad you like it", she said. She turned to her and held her hands, "Please come to the party with me", she begged. She sighed softly, "Fine but, if I sense anything wrong I'm leaving", she said leaving her and going to hers.

"Hey look, Angel and Cbon are here", Candy said when he opened the door. They walked inside and Cbon went to hug Kyle, "I'm gald you made it", he said kissing her forehead. Angel went off somewhere and sat down. She saw Kyle walk her direction and she quickly moved. He saw and grabbed her and she was pulled against his chest, "Let go of me", she said struggling out of his grip. He growled and held her tighter and dragged her to a room, "You can stay in here until the party is over", he said. "What do you want from me?!!", she yelled with tears rolling down her face. He chuckled, "I want you to accept me", he said darkly before leaving the room. She ran for the door but it was locked, she tired banging on the door for help but the music was too loud. "I need to get out of here", she said walking around the room. She heard Davesha and Sebastian come inside but they couldn't hear her screams. She fell to the floor and started crying, "What does he want with me? I don't understand", she cried hugging her knees. A few hours later everyone left and he came in the room, "Hello cutie, did ya miss me?", he said cheerfully. She slowly backed away from him, "Why are you doing this to me?", she asked. He chuckled, "Because I'm mad", he said walking up to her. "But, what does this have to do with me?", she asked. "All this time I've been mad because a girl rejected me, I used to be her best friend until he came into her life", he spoke. "He took her away from me and I've been trying my hardest to win her back but now, I've snapped so, all I do now is watch the lives of innocent girls die in their own blood", he said as he pulled out a knife and rubbed it against her skin. She cried harder, "P-Please, don't hurt me", she begged. "Nope, I wanna see your blood spill as I cut you open little by little, I want you to break so you can never leave", he said as he slowly pushed the knife in her skin. She screamed loudly, "Please I beg of you, stop this please!!!", she begged falling to her knees. Her eyes started to feel heavy and soon she fainted, "Sleep well my princess", he chuckled moving a strand of hair from her face and placing her on the bed. "This is only the beginning of the pain you gave to me", he said leaving the room.


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