Chapter Eight

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Angel's Pov~

"Alright kids nap time is over", I heard someone say. I woke up and saw a lady and a group of kids look at me. "Angel would you care to tell us about your dream?", she said. I shook my head no and she called on someone else. They explain their dream and everyone clapped for them. "Alright kids it's time for art's and craft", she said. All the kids ran to a table next to their friends I suppose and I went to a empty table where a boy was. "Hello my name is Candy, what's yours", the boy asked me. "I'm Angel", I said. "Please to meet you Angel", he said smiling. "Please to meet you too", I said. After that we talked until art's and craft time was over.

Candy's Pov~

It was time to leave and I already missed Angel. I gathered my things and saw her famous parents come in the room and all the kids run to them for a autograph. They signed the posters they had and handed it back to them. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turn to see Angel smiling at me. "Hi Angel", I said. "Hello", she said cheerfully. "What's up?", I asked. "The sky", she said. I laughed and she laughed with me. "Candy, I want you to have this", she said handing me two pieces of chocolate. "Thanks", I said. She sat next to me and we both ate the first one together. "This is really good", I said licking my fingers. "Yep, this is the finest chocolate in the whole town", she said. "Angel, say goodbye to your friend", I heard her parents say. My face dropped knowing that she was leaving me. "Hey, what's wrong?", she asked. "I'm just going to miss you over the weekend, your the first friend I ever gotten ever since I got here", I told her. I felt her kiss my cheek making my face red. "It's ok, I'll be here on Monday so wait for me", she said handing me a chocolate bar with a golden wrapper that said "Friend" on it. I almost cried when I saw her leave with her parents. My parents came for me and I went home. I went up to my room and took out the bar she gave me, "I will never eat you, I will give it to her when I think she needs it most", I said before having dinner with my family and heading to bed.


Angel woke up in a better mood this time. She tried waking Candy up as well. "Five more minutes", he groaned. "Come on it's already 11:00, sleepy head", she said. She got up and grabbed a bucket of water and threw it on him. He jumped out of his sleep, "Alright I'm up", he said. She smiled, "Good", she said. She went to go check on Davesha and Sebastian. She went in their room and found them naked in the covers so she left. "Let's not wake up those two", she told Candy. He nodded and they got ready and left her house.

"We have to come back anyway, we need to help them get ready for their trip", she said. "Ok but we also have to go shopping with Abdiel", he said. "Alright so we should go shopping with Abdiel first then come back to help them finish packing and put them on their plane", she said. "Ok", he said.

They went to Abdiel's house with first. "Hey Abdiel", they said. "Hey you two", he said. Abdiel told his father that he was leaving and left the house. He ran to Angel and hugged her tight. "I don't ever want to let go", he said hugging her tighter. "Come on, let's go", she said carrying him. Candy growled and walked with them to the mall.


"I want that shirt!", Abdiel said running in another store. "Abdiel wait up", they said running after him. They ran in the store and he purchased the shirt. "All done, now let's eat", he said. "I can't go anywhere else", she said falling on the floor. Abdiel picked her up and carried her to the food court. "I'll go get the food", Candy said going on the line. "I'll just take a nap", she said closing her eyes. Abdiel looked at her sleeping face, "Oh god, I love her so much, I just want her with me and not with Candy", he thought.

"Do you really want her?", a voice said. "Uh? Who said that?", he asked. A figured of Soulless appeared. "Do you really want her?", he asked. "Yes, I do", he said. "Here take this", he said handing something to him. "What's this?", he asked. "It's a potion, use it to put Candy to sleep and use the rest to gain power strong enough to get Angel", he said. "Are you sure this will work?", he asked. "It will work, trust me", he said before disappearing. He snapped back to reality and noticed that he was kissing her. He moved before Candy came back with the food and they ate and left.


"That's the last box Davesha", Candy said. "Thanks", she said. "Isn't my man so strong?", Angel said jumping on him. He caught her in his arms, "I love you too my princess", he said kissing her. "Angel, I'm sorry for disturbing you but i have to speak to you in private", Sebastian said. She pulled her lips away from him, "Can it wait, I'm trying to have a moment with my boyfriend", she said hugging him. "Now!", he said grabbing her collar and pulling her away from him. He went to a room and closed the door. "Hey! Put me down!", she said struggling. He covered her mouth, "Listen here princess since I'm going to be gone for a week I sent a replacement body guard until I return", he told her as he uncovered her mouth. "But I don't want another bodyguard", she said. "Well I need someone to protect you while I'm gone so, deal with it", he said. "I hate you", she mumble. "What was that?", he asked his eyes filled with fury. "Nothing Sebby", she said waving her hands. He smirked, "Good, now let's go before I miss our flight", he said taking her out of the room and letting her go.

Angel and Candy took them to the airport and waved them goodbye as they went inside. A boy with purple hair, pointy ears and a hat came out of the airport and walked up to them. "Are you Angel?", he asked. "Yep that's me", she said. "I'm Amonojaku", he said bowing. "Oh hello", she said. "Everyone was right, you are pretty enough to get a temporarily bodyguard", he said kissing her hand. "Let's just go to my house", she said moving her hand away from him.


"How is this going to help me get Angel?", Abdiel thought to himself. He got out of his bed and went over to her house. He saw some cake on the table and put some of the potion on it and drank the rest and left her house. "I hope it works", he said before hiding in a bush and seeing them walk inside.

"Do you guys want some cake?", she asked. "Yep", they said. She went to the cake on the table and cut them a slice. "Here you go", she said putting it in front of them. They both took a bite, "Mmmmmmm fluffy", they said. She smiled and went to go get something. When she came back, she found them both sleeping. She tried everything to wake them up but they didn't wake up. She left her house and ran to Abdiel's house. He let her in and into his room, "Is everything ok?", he asked. "No, Candy and Amonojaku are out cold", she said. "Come with me, I may have something", he said. She got up and started walking until he put a cloth on her mouth knocking her out.


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