Chapter Two

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Angel woke up at 5 in the morning and got ready. She left her house and went to her bakery and opened it for the day. She saw Candy running to her waving money in his hand. "Morning Candy", she said giggling. "Don't laugh at me, you know I do this every morning", Candy said hugging her. "I know but, you have a different face everytime you come", Angel said. "Well I do love seeing you smile in the morning", he said smiling. "Alright hot shot, what do you want?", she said. "You know what I want", he said patting her head. "Alright come on in", she said opening the door and letting him inside. "I wonder, why does your bakery smell so good when you open it?", he said. "Can't say but, I did make your special breakfast bread yesterday afternoon so you could save me the trouble", she said taking it out the fridge. "Thanks so much", he said taking it and waving her goodbye. "This is going to be a long day but, at least I get to close early today", she said.


At Abdiel's castle, he was practicing his daily dance lessons with his instructor. His dance partner was Ännä's corpse and laughing with joy. "Isn't this fun Ännä, you and me dancing just how you wanted", he said holding her closer. "Master Abdiel, its time to go see Angel and her friends", his butler said. "Thank you Claude", he said leaving the castle and going into the portal and walking to her home.

He knocked on the door and a maid opened it. "Good morning madam I'm looking for Angel, is she home?, he asked. "Oh I'm sorry sir but, she went to her store, it's right down the block from here", she said. "Thank you madam", he said and started walking to her store.


"I can't believe it's only been an hour, I still have three more hours to go before I can close up", Angel said putting the pastries on the table. The door opened and she came to where they was sitting. "May I take your order?", she asked. "May I have your special with extra love?", he said. "Alright Abdiel what do you want?", she said giggling. "Well I just wanted to see how you are doing", he said. "Well I'm very busy and I still have 30 minutes until I close early", she said. "I can help you out",Abdiel said. "That would be great, thanks so much", she said. Abdiel got up and took the people's orders and gave it to her and she would go make it.

"Wow, your really good at this", she said panting. "I never use to do this at my old home, I had maids do it for me", he said. "Well thanks again", she said closing up and walking back to her house with him. "Well I guess I have a gift I didn't know about", he said. They got to her home and help her pack her stuff then went to go see the others


"Hey Angel", Elias said kissing her. "Hey bitch, this is my boyfriend Sebastian", Davesha said. "Pleasure to meet you miss Angel", Sebastian said. "The pleasure is all mine", she said shaking his hand. "Hi Angel, did you miss me?!", Candy said yelling and running to hug her. "Yea I did Candy", she said catching him in her arms and falling on the grass with him on top of her. "Good", he said. "Um Candy, can you get off now", she asked. "Nope", he said hugging her tighter and picking her up. "Let's have some fun guys", he said carrying her to the lake. "Put me down Candy!", she said. "Nope", he said as he threw her in the lake. Angel screamed and splashed in the water making everyone laugh, she then came out and pushed them all in the water and laughing at their faces.

A few hours later, everyone was eating on the grass while Angel was laying down looking at the sky with Candy resting his head on her chest. Candy was playing with her hair. "This is so relaxing", he said. "Yea it is", she said. "Hey bitches, you two want some food?", Davesha said. "Yea", Angel said using her powers to bring it to them. "Mmmmm this taste so good", she said finishing up her food and getting off of the grass. "Yea but, it's time for us to go home, you have a shop to take care of", Candy said picking her up and placing her on his shoulder and ran to the others. "Put me down", she said yawning and falling asleep on his shoulder. "Awww so cute", he said pinching her nose.

All of them walked her home and Candy went inside and put her on her bed and ran into her father while leaving. "Why don't you stay over tonight, you and Davesha are the only one I trust the most", her father said. "Ok sir", he said going back in her room and laying next to her in the bed and cuddling next to her.

Abdiel saw him and rage got into him. "How could he do that to my princess?", he said stomping around the room. His butler came in his room and sat on his bed. "Is something wrong sir?", Claude asked. "Yes there is, Candy is cuddling up on my princess, which is making me mad", he told him. "Well your highness you must worry about this another time, you need to rest", he said dressing him in his PJ's and putting him in bed. "Goodnight Claude", he said yawning and falling asleep. "Goodnight your highness", Claude said leaving his room and going into Angel's room. He saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed with her face in Candy's chest which made his eyes glow in a dark shade of purple. "You made my master mad my dear now, I shall take who you care about the most", he said in a deep demonic voice making her shake as he left her house and went to Elias's house and left a note on his front door and taking him back to the castle and chained him up in the dungeon. "This will be your new home and I shall forever be at your service", he said leaving.


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