Chapter Fifteen

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Angel's POV~

I wake up in a unfamiliar room (Again) and I already knew that I wasn't back home. I tried to move but I felt a grip tighten on me. I turned to see Cloud hugging me close to his chest. I slowly slipped out of his grip and went to the door. I turned the knob and it was locked, "Trying to leave me, aren't you?", I heard him say. "Cloud, why are you doing this? ", I asked. He got out of bed and walked up to me. He smiled and rubbed a knife against my skin, "Well I can't tell you that, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend", he said. "Boyfriend? Your not my boyfriend, Candy is my boyfriend", I said. His eyes got dark and soulless as he pressed the knife into my skin, "Do you really think that he loves you as much as I do? ", he asked. "Yes I do", I said with confidence. He laughed maniacally, "He doesn't love you, he's using you", he said.

Angel pushed him away from her with rage. Her hair turned into fire and a fire aura was surrounding her, "Don't you ever mistaken Candy's love for me or so help me I'll kill you!!!!! ", she yelled leaving the room. She was so mad that she set the house on fire and went home when it burned down."What did you do?! I just lost her because of you", Cloud screamed in his head. "It's ok, I'll take something important to her and she shall break, she will come back to you for a shoulder to cry on", the voice said.  "It better work or you shall be banished once again", Josh said. "Don't worry my lord it will work, trust me",he said.


Sebastian knocked on her room door, "Little one, it's time for breakfast", he said. "I don't want to eat", she said. He opened the door and saw her crying on the bed covered in blood. His eyes turned pink with anger and he put the plate on the nightstand, "What did you do to yourself?!!", he yelled grabbing her wrist. She hid the weapon behind her back as be picked her up, "Answer me now!!", he yelled. He saw something behind her back and took it, "You was cutting yourself, weren't you?", he asked.  She nodded with tears flowing out of her eyes, "Why did you do it?", he asked calmly. "Cloud told me that Candy doesn't love me and he kidnapped me and tried to make me love him", she said. He laid down on her bed and hugged her close to his chest, "It's ok young one, I'll always be here for you no matter what happens", he said hugging her tighter. "Thank you Sebby~", she said softly before falling asleep in his embrace.

Davesha walked in the room and saw them, "What the fuck is this shit!! ", she yelled. Sebastian looked at her,  "Davesha, I've already explained this to you", he said. "But you didn't include cheating on me, it's over Sebastian!!", she cried running out of the room. Angel woke up, "Aren't you going to go talk to her?", she asked. "I'm sure she will get over it, my kitten always do", he said. "Not this time", she said showing him a picture of her with another boy. He sighed, "I've lost my kitten but, at least I can take care of my little kitten", he said petting her head. "No you don't, you have to go get your other kitten and be with her", she said. "I'll just wait for her to get over it and come back to me", he said.

A maid walked in the room, "Sir, there is a few people at the door looking for the princess", she said. "Let them in", he said getting up from her bed. He went with the maid and opened the door, "Hello boys", he said letting them in. "Hello Sebastian", they said bowing. "Amonojaku, I'm very furious with you, you have failed your mission in protecting the princess", he said. Amonojaku bowed, "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again", he said. He smiled and took them to her room.

"Angel!!!", they yelled. She gasped, "Candy, Amonojaku, Abdiel it's you!!!!!!", she yelled. They came and hugged her tightly, "I missed you guys so much!!", she said hugging them back. Josh saw them and walked in the room, "I brought tea and biscuits for the princess", he said. "Who are you?", Candy asked. "I'm Josh the princess personal butler", he said bowing. "Well there is no need for your services here", Amonojaku said. "We came to get Angel and leave", Candy said. Josh looked at her but she turned away from him, "Fine, I'll be on my way", he said before leaving the room.


"Thank goodness your ok", Cbon said hugging her tightly. "I'm glad you came over cuz", she said hugging her back. "Why wouldn't I come over to see you? I missed you so much", she said. "Well your mother always disliked me because I was rich and got more attention than you so, me seeing you here is very rare", she said. "It's ok my mother forgot about the past anyway so, I get to see you more often", she said happily. "That's great", she said. "Girls I made sandwiches, come join the others!!", Angel's mother yelled. "Yay sandwiches!!", they said running downstairs to the dining room. Her mother placed a plate of sandwiches in front of them.

"Your mom makes the best sandwiches!", Cbon said. "Thanks", Angel said finishing her last sandwich. "Angel did you tell Cbon about the cake you made for her as a gift for coming over in such a long time?", her mother said. Angel got up and went in the fridge and brought her a little cake, "Take a bite of it, I made it just for you", she said. Cbon took a big bite of the cake, "It's so yummy!!!", she yelled. "I'm glad you like it!!", she said. Her mother laughed, "It's time to bed you two", she said. "Ok", they said sadly before they went to her room. They changed in their PJ'S and went to bed.


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