chapter one

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"Kyra!" My dad yelled from the kitchen. I was standing on the balcony looking over the ocean. I turned around and sprinted down the stairs to go see what my dad wanted. 

"What's up?" I asked, grabbing a few chips from the bag left on the counter.

"Wanna go see a movie tonight? Ender's Game, maybe?" He asked. It was only my dad and me around here. My mom and dad seperated when I was a baby. They loved eachother a lot, but couldn't get along. I lost contact with my mom, so I've never spoken to her. I've only heard the wonderful stories about her, and seen a few pictures. 

I smiled and nodded. "Sure!"

The movie was great, But in the car on the way home, my dad scared me. "Kyr, listen, I have to talk to you about something really important. "


"I don't know how to do this. I know you love your life here, but-"

I cut him off. "We're moving." I stated, as if I had already known.

He paused and slowly nodded. "I think it's time for you to meet your mom. We're going to Virginia."

I turned and looked at him with wide eyes. "WHAT?! My mother?!" I was so surprised! I've been waiting for this day for the past 15 years of my life! I was overflowing with so many emotions, joy, excitement, nervousness, fright. 

He nodded, smiling. "We leave next Monday." Next Monday. That only gave me nine days to say goodbye to my many friends, here in California. 

Once we got home, I immediately pulled out and called my absolute best friend in the world, Ava. 

"Ava, hey, can you sleepover?" I asked, knowing my dad wouldn't mind, he never does. 

"Sure, I'll be over in 10." 

Since she lived three houses down, it wouldn't take long.

Once she arrived, we watched a few movies, ate popcorn, did eachothers nails, talked about boys, the usual stuff. At about 3 o'clock, I decided to break the news. "Hey, Ave?"

She smiled, blowing on her nails. "What?"

"Um, well, uh, this is sorta serious.." I started. She sat up, looking at me with attention. "I'm, uh, well, moving. Monday." 

Her face dropped. "To Avery?" Avery was the next block over. 

I giggled uneasily. "Um, no.. to, um, Virginia." I tried telling her gently. But I knew she'd still probably cry.

Just like I called it, her eyes began to tear up. "Is this some kind of a joke? Because it's not funny" She stood up and walked out of my room, pacing up and down my hallway.

I got up and followed her. I couldn't tell if she was mad at me, or just upset I'd be leaving. "No, it's not a joke. I'm going to meet my mom.." A tear raced down my face, as I thought about leaving my life here. 

She turned around to look towards me. Suddenly she sped up her pace towards me and threw her arms around my neck. "You're finally gonna meet her, Kyr."  I could hear the pain in her voice, but as she pulled away, there was a smile plastered on her face. I knew she'd be happy for me.

The next Friday night, Eva threw a surprise going away party, and invited all of my friends, practically my whole grade. I think I cried seven times.

I knew It was gonna be hard, but I was doing it to reach my dream, which I had been dreaming for the past 15 years. 




Heey guysss. I'm sara and I'm 13. Um, this is my second story, first published, so I'm still trying to get the hang of it. So cut me a little slack? Anywaysss, I wanted to tell you a few things before I go on. First, this chapter was probably a little longer than my other ones will be. Second, I know this chapter doesn't really have anything to do with Matt, it's sorta just a fill-in chapter to get started, Yanno? Thirddd, I'm writing this because Matthew Lee Espinosa is my hero and when I tried to read a fan-fic about him, unfotunately, there were like 3. And none were finished. So this is for you guys to be able to read a full fan-fic about Matt. Fourth, I know there aren't a lot of people who read about Matt, so no need to remind me, I'm aware. And finally, for future reference, I'm altering a few things to fit the story line. For instance, Cameron Dallas isn't 15 and he doesn't live in Virginia. Sooo yea. Thanks for reading, Update soon! Love you guyss<3

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