chapter eight.

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I opened the door to find Matt standing in a plaid button-down and khaki's, "Hey!" I greeted him enthusiasticly to try to hide the rose.

"Hey, um, is everything alright?" he glanced back and forth between me and Cameron.

Cameron shot a quick look towards the rose laying on the desk,, "Yeah, we're fine," he laughed a little to try to cover everything. 

"Alright," Matt spoke uneasily, looking around the room. I flinched as his eyes landed on the desk behind me, probably the rose. 

"Let's go!" I said as I nervously shuffled by Matthew heading towards the stairs. 

Dinner was amazing. I had no idea my mom could cook so well since we had Chef Pallo, but he got the day with his family today of course. The smell of the ham lingered in the air for hours after. Once Matt's family went home and my parents were asleep, we stayed up practically all night. 

The room was so dark I couldn't see anything except the glow from the TV vaguely lighting Matt and Cameron's faces. 

Cam's voice suddenly broke the silence, "Matt, do you like Kyra?"

The room filled with awkardness. "Uh," I could feel him looking at me, "I mean, she's like my sister." 

My face heated up, I knew it was getting red. Why would Cameron do that?! Well, now I knew Matt didn't like me, I had my answer. I thought about texting Nash. After debating for about 10 minutes which just consisted of my thoughts with Spongebob in the background, I decided to. 


"Hi!" he wrote back within seconds. 

"Can you meet me outside?" 

"Yeah, sure!" 

"Okay," I checked the time, 2:02. I pushed myself off the couch and grabbed my moccasins and my North Face. I made my way to the back door and looked over to find the boys staring at me with confusion. "I'm going on a walk, I'll be back soon, don't tell mom." It's not that I think she'd throw a fit, because we live in a gated neighborhood so no one could get in, I just didn't want her knowing. They nodded in agreement just before I slid the door open. I made my way around the house to the front to find Nash's tall sihlouette standing under a street light. I approached him as a smile crept over his face. I smiled in return.

"So, why'd you want me to meet you now?" 

I shrugged, "Just bored of Matt and Cam, that's all," 

"Alright, shall we walk?" He suggested, motioning down the long street full of huge houses. 

I nodded, and we were off. We talked about nothing, really. Pretty much just school, sports, small talk. "So, um, about earlier?" 

His head snapped to look at me, "yeah?"

"I, um, like you, and um," I trailed off, not really sure what to say next. I had gone over  this a lot in my head since this afternoon, but I just got so nervous.

His big eyes lit up with life. A little smile slightly took over his lips. "You do?"

I looked at the ground and nodded shyly. This couldn't be real. Nash Grier couldn't like me. I never imagined this could ever happen. Nash Grier. 

A silence filled the cold air as we walked. Not a bad silence, but a silence. After a few minutes, my phone rang. I answered without looking, thinking it had to be Matt or Cam asking how long I'd be.


"Kyraaa!" What's up girl?!" Eva's voice shouted from the other end of the line. 

"Hi! Oh my God! I miss you!" Nash's head turned towards me.

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