chapter twenty-one

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I spent the next few days acting the same around Matt. He was still my best friend, and he still had no idea that I liked him. The weekend went by quickly, and by Monday, I realized I needed to talk to Nash. I decided to get through the school day without talking to him, but I'd need to talk to him tonight.

So far, my plan had been going well. I didn't even look at Nash. I knew he was looking at me, but I would not mess things up, because if I caught the gaze of his eyes, I knew I'd fall for him over again.

My first block of the day without Nash was Literature, and I couldn't wait. I could finally stop avoiding him. I took my seat next to Matt, and the teacher began a lecture once the bell rang. I dreaded lectures most of the time, but today was different. He rambled on about how you need to express your feelings towards somebody, how you can't keep them bottled up inside of you. How you need to talk to people. It made me think a lot about Taylor, Nash, and Matt. It made me want to be straight forward with all of them. Just as he was finishing his speech, the teacher was called out of class and called a study hall for the next few minutes. I immediately, along with the other obsessive students, pulled out my phone. Unlike everyone else, or maybe just like everyone else, for all I know, was doing something that had needed to be done for days. I typed in Taylor's name in my phone and began to type.

"We need to talk."

He responded immediately, "Go ahead."

I was surprised at how simple that was. "Why don't you like me, what could you possibly have against me so quickly. You're an amazing person, Taylor. Why aren't you amazing to me?"

"You want to know why?" He wrote and continued to type.

"Because I'm jealous of you," he admitted.

"You're jealous of me? Why?" I questioned. What is there to be jealous of? Of course there are other girls jealous of me, I get to spend all my time with the boys. But Taylor? He was the one who had all of the fame.

After typing for a few minutes, he responded.

"Everything comes so easy to you. You didn't need to work for anything you got, it was just handed to you like nothing. Me and all the guys, we had to earn our spots to where we are today, you just came in and you're like, "hey, Cameron Dallas is my twin brother, how cool is that? He's famous, so am I."

You didn't even make vines or videos before you met Cam, now everybody knows who you are."

I slouched further in my seat as I read the message, a small sigh left my lips. He was right. It's nothing that I did that made me famous, it was just being Cameron's twin.

I began typing after contemplating what to say, "I know, you're right," I clicked send, but continued to type. 

"But I don't really know what you expected me to do, I didn't even know Cameron was related to me when I came to Virginia, I thought I was just meeting my mom! I got here and Cameron Dallas was standing in the living room! It's not like I can make either of us just disappear lol."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he answered, "I'm really sorry I've been so mean to you, are we good?"

"Yeah, sure," I wrote back just before the bell rang and Matt and I were off to our last class.

"Me and Taylor are okay I guess," I stated.

Matt looked up from his vans with a smile as we continued down the hall, "really?"

I nodded, "He said he was just jealous."

"I know he was," Matt answered with a laugh, "Hey, do you wanna skip class?"

I thought for a second, it was only Cullinary, so it wouldn't be a problem. I nodded.

"Cool, we're gonna go to iHop across the street, k?" I nodded again. I'd never skipped class before, I've never done anything bad. I didn't really know how to do it. Matt made it easy though, we just walked right out the front door as if we did it every day. 

We carefully crossed the street and walked into the resturant, "Wait, I don't have any money, Matt."

"I know, I do," he said with a smile. I smiled as the workers all started greeting Matthew with 'hi!s' and 'hey!s'

He returned all of the greetings as I giggled, "So, you come here often?" I said in a deep, flirtacious voice, mocking the fact that everybody knew him. I was joking, of course. 

He laughed, "I used to come here with my family a lot when I was younger, my mom used to be a waitress here."

I nodded as we sat down in a small booth in the back corner. Immediately, a small, blonde waitress about my parent's age came over, "The usual?" She asked Matt. Her  He nodded, and looked at me for a second.

"Barbara, this is Kyra, she's Cam's sister, and she'll have the same," he said with a smile.

I smiled, still unsure what 'the usual' was, but greeted her anyways. 

"Hey, hon," she smiled a big grin surrounded by red lipstick. 

I smiled in return, "Hi."

Quickly, our drinks came, which were both peppermint white hot chocolates, then followed by our food a few minutes later. We each had two pancakes swirled with red, with whipped cream, and candy cane chunks sprinkled on top, with a side of bacon.

We thanked Barbara as she walked away before I looked at Matthew. "Really?" I asked, glancing from him to the plate, back to him. 

"I like peppermint," he answered, shoveling the food into his mouth as if he hadn't eaten in days. 

I shook my head as my brown eyes rolled out of habit, "I can tell." A chuckle drifted from my lips. I quickly finished my food as Matt payed for me and we left to go home. We walked home from the restaurant as it lightly snowed. As soon as we walked inside, Matt flipped the TV on.

"I don't think we'll have school tomorrow," he mumbled, wide-eyed at the television. I glanced up from my phone to see the meteorologist waving his arms over the screen. 24"-34" was written in bold letters as the man informed us a blizzard would be hitting Virginia tonight. 

Matt stared in awe, "I've never seen a blizzard in my life, they cancel school when there's two inches of snow, let alone two feet."

"One time I visited my friend in Connecticut and there was a blizzard, four feet of snow. It was fun," I explained excitedly. I couldn't wait for the snow.

"I think I'll sleep over again," he announced as Cam entered through the front door.

"Did you hear?" he asked nervously.

"About the storm? Yeah!" I practically shouted.

"No, no! About mom!" He frantically said while rummaging through a kitched drawer.

"What?" I questioned while jumping to my feet.

"We need to go!" He responded with his keys and a paper in hand.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated, just been busy with basketball and stuff, sorry! Keep reading, commenting, and voting! Love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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