magcon new jersey experience?

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As I said in my last update, this isn't a chapter. It's my experience of Magcon yesterday. I don't blame you if you don't read it, but I thought the whole thing was pretty interesting. So let's get started!

So Magcon was held in Freehold, New Jersey, and I live in Northern Connecticut, so it was 3 and a half hours away. My dad and I left our house to meet my cousin by 7:00 in the morning, then went out to breakfast, so we arrived at iPlay America (which is a really cool place btw) at about 11:00. In the general admission line, we were about 90 people back, which wasn't bad. So in front of us there were these really nice girls, Candace, Cassia, and Sami and we hung out and talked with them for a while. Then there was a ton of screaming, and I just figured the magcon workers were taking a picture, but then a girl behind me came back and I asked what happened, and she told me Bart's walking around. So then she took me to meet him, and I was the next to take a picture, and he started walking away, so I chased him outside and we took a selfie. Then he was like "Ooh, I really like that picture, can you tweet it to me?" and I screamed and so did the other girl I was with. Then as soon as we got back to our spots, Dale (@plasticdale on twitter) gets out of his car, so I ran up and took a selfie and hugged him. Anyways, we waited outside in the line for a total of like 4 and a half hours, which wasn't that bad. We ended up being let in like the 20th people in line cause idk but it happened.

When we got inside, the music was really loud and I started having a breakdown because Matt was in the room next to me. I couldn't handle it. So anyways, we were in line to get our wristbands, and everyone was holding their posters up, so I was like, "why not?" so I held my poster up. (It was obviously a poster of matt). So then one of the workers came over to me with MATTHEW ESPINOSA'S FATHER and she said, "This is Matt's dad," and I said, "Yeah, I know" and she goes, "he saw your poster and he really likes it, and he wants to take a picture with you and it to show to matthew." And so I flipped out and she pulled me out of line to take the picture, and he started telling me all this stuff about how Matt would think this was the funniest poster he's seen. Overall, Mr. Espinosa was soo nice and I was so fortunate to meet him because he wasn't walking around a lot. (It's my profile pic on here btw).

So when I finally got my wristband, we were let into the main room. First, before anything happened, I met Mr. Grier, and I was like "Can Hayes and I get married?" and he goes, "will you be good to him?" and I was like YES YES YES, then he was like "then of course." So then they introduced the boys, and I was in the back so I couldn't see. I'm not gonna lie, I pushed and shoved to get to the front. So nothing really happened  except the boys were dancing and stuff. There were some really obnoxious people with this huge poster chanting "ICE CREAM CAKE" and everyone hated them it was pretty funny. So when they went to do their meet and greets with VIP and priority, my cousin and I went to go get merch and I got an Aaron baseball tee and she got the black magcon sweatshirt. (I already had the matt shirt, just to make that clear).

When we went back to the main room, the boys were still doing meet and greets obviously, so we went to where Matt was, with Cam, Carter, Sammy, and the Jacks. I sat for a really long time, maybe an hour and a half, trying to get Matt's attention to read my poster. Finally, the huge face got his attention and he leaned over trying to read the words, so I pushed through a few people so he could read it, and he did and he started cracking up. He was laughing so hard he had to bend over on the table. Then he walked over to some lady, then she walked over to me and said, "Matt thinks your poster's really funny and he wants to keep it, so later on can I take it for him?" and  I was like "Yeah of course!" and I ran over to my cousin and literally started bawling. 

After I got Matt's attention, we walked to the other side of the stage where Hayes, Jacob, Aaron, Nash, Shawn, and Taylor were. Cam happened to be walking and talking to fans, so I told him I loved him, and he held my hand and said "I love you too" then he kept talking to other people, but he was still holding my hand. Once he let go, we helf up the poster I made my cousin that said "Ya Nashty" and it had a few pictures of That's So Raven on it, but Nash didn't notice. On the other side of my Matt poster, It said "Hayes, Your lipgloss is poppin'" and after about half an hour, I finally got Hayes's attention. In my opinion, he thought it was a lot funnier than it actually was. He laughed really really hard and was pointing at it for a few seconds, then Jacob looked at it and started laughing. The Hayes lookd down at me and he goes, "You're funny!" and I screamed really loud and teared up a little bit. 

So then my cousin and I went back to the merch and I got a purple magcon tee shirt. Then I was  walking out and Taylor's grandpa walks in. Obviously not that many people knew who he was, but he walked up to me and goes, "I like your bandana." and I was wearing the tie dye one with the smiley faces, tays got the same one, and well I said thank you, but i didn't realize it was him until a few seconds after, and by then he was behind the merch counter so I didn't get a picture. So then we went back into the main room and go over to where Nash and them were, and out of all the people in the world, we see our fathers standing in the front row. They didn't even have tickets, they just snuck in. Don't ask me how, I couldn't tell you. It was crazy. Well after they left, we sat down for a little while. Then we held up my cousins poster which said "LOX ROX" in big letters and mouthed thank you, and gave us a thumbs up. 

So then I go back to Nash and Shawn gets up and sits on the gate, big mistake. So someone pulled his sunglasses off, but they landed on the ground, and I managed to pick them up, and I tried handing them back to him, but he said, "keep them, beautiful." and I again, died. 

Then the boys went on break for like 20 minutes, and so everyone went to go get food and merch, so I ended up getting a front row spot where Matt was and I didn't move. So then Bart came over and he signed my purple shirt, and before I knew it the boys were on stage dancing to lipgloss. Once they came back down I was screaming to gett Matt's attention and he finally waved to me. Then Cam started walking up and down the gates and meeting people again, so I booked it to an open spot towards him. He ended up hugging me and I cried, again. It actually was on a nationcast, thank god, so I have a video of Cam giving me a hug. So I booked it back to the spot where I was in front of Matt, and I actually got it back since everyone was so focused on Cam.

So I stood, trying to get Matt's attention again for a little while, when someone threw their sweatshirt to Gilinsky, and he signed it and threw it back, so then every couple minutes a shirt would fly across the walkway to get to the Jack's and Sammy's table. I eventually just threw my shirt, and Sammy picked it up and yelled "Who's is this!?" and I stuck my arm up and he nodded and signed it, then gave it to Gilinsky and he signed it too. Then he looked up trying to figure out where it came from, and I kept yelling "it's mine! it's mine!" and waving my arm around, and he finally saw me, so he balled it up and threw it back to me. 

Then Aaron's older brother, Dustyn, was walking around signing things and taking selfies, and he took my shirt and signed it, and I said "Thank you I love you!" and I hugged him, and he said "I love you too." Then the lady that told me that Matt wanted my poster came over and asked if she could take it now to give to Matt, so I gave it to her and she brought it in the back room as the only poster Matt requested to keep.

So then while everyone was worried about trying to throw their shirts to Gilinsky, I was trying to get Matt's attention again, because I wanted to throw it to him. Finally, he made eye contact with me, and held his hand up in indication to throw my shirt to him, so I did, and thank god it was a good throw because that would've been embarrassing. So he turned around and pinned my shirt against the wall and signed it, then he turned around and found me immediately and balled it up and threw it back, and I caught it. He must've seen me crying, because he gave me a thumbs up and said, "ya good?" and I nodded and said, "thank you so so much," and he kept his thumb up and nodded, and he goes "I love you." LIKE MATT ESPINOSA TOLD ME HE LOVED ME BEFORE I SAID IT TO HIM. so i obviously said i love you too. then he went back to meeting the priority people and every so often he would glance up towards me. We made eye contact four times after, and whenever we did, he would do that angel smile that I'm in love with. And after I threw the shirt a ton of other people tried to throw theirs to matt, too, but he wouldn't take them so I felt really special.

So then when it's over, they're kicking everyone out, and there's like twelve people left in the room, so I run up to Willie, who was standing at the gate, and he gave me a big hug and I told him I loved him and he said "I love you, too." Then Sammy ended up signing my shirt again. But then the security guard started like pushing me out and yelling at me, so we had to leave.

Overall, it was the most phenomenal experience of my life. I will never forget this day, and I really hope they go to Boston before the Jacks leave for college so I can get VIP and meet them. It was amazing. A special thank you to Bart for creating the event. Thank you so much for making my dreams come true. So if you're worried that general isn't worth going to, it is. I had the best day of my life yesterday, 4.13.14. 

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