chapter two

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I stumbled off the plane after my five-hour flight here. I checked the clock at the airport. 11:18. I was confused for a minute, considering we left at 9:07, then I remembered the three hour time lapse. Suddenly I was washed away in a sea of random, unfamiliar faces.

After finally finding my dad, we made our way to the taxi cabs. We got into the first empty one we saw and my dad a ripped piece of a paper, which I'm assuming was my mom's adress. After about twenty minutes, we pulled in the driveway of a ginormous house. I never really pictured my moms house to be big. I thought it would be little and cozy. Boy was I wrong.I sat in the back seat, aimlessly staring as my dad payed the cab driver. This was it. I was about to meet my mom. 

I looked nervously at my dad. He gave me a reassuring smile and shook my knee. "You ready?" he asked, still smiling. I looked from him to the house and nodded uneasily. Making my way out of the car and towards the house, a billion thoughts ran through my mind. "What if she doesn't like me? What if she hates dad? What if she never wants to talk to me again after this?" I shook my head, trying to get the thoughts out of my mind. I didn't need to worry. SHE wanted to meet ME, too. 

I knocked on the door with my duffel bag beginning to slip off my shoulder. I stumbled around to fix it as the door swung open. "Kyra?" the deep voice startled me. I slowly looked up and nodded.

The large man dressed in a suit had a big smile plastered on his face. "I'm Jeffery, the butler." he stuck out his hand for me to shake. 

Keeping eye contact, I shook his hand. "I'm Kyra. The daughter. But you probably already knew that." He chuckled. My dad introduced himself and we were soon guided through this maze of a large house. We approached a sign that read 'Welcome Kyra and Jon!' in big letters. Balloons were scattered every where. 

Jefferey held out his hand, gesturing for my bag. Once I gave it to him, he placed a hand on my back and nudged me forward. I stumbled, and slowly walked towards the room. I could see her. She was right there. Speaking with someone who must've been the chef, judging by the hat he was wearing. Suddenly, her eyes darted towards me and she frantically stood and quickly made her way towards me. Her arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. "Kyra!" she announced. My eyes began to fill with tears. My biggest dream had come true. My mom was standing in front of me, hugging me. "I've waited so long for this." she whispered. After a minute, she pulled away, to reveal to me that she was also crying. She wiped her eyes. She began to speak with my dad when I noticed a boy standing behind her, staring in awe at my father and I. I looked at the floor, trying to figure out why he was here, when it suddenly hit me. He was him. Cam. THE Cameron Dallas. 

I made my way over to him, leaving their conversation. "Um, hi." I said. 

"Hi Kyra! I'm Cameron!" He flashed a smile. Whoa Kyra. Calm yourself. Play it cool. He's only a boy. A VERY FAMOUS ATTRACTIVE BOY.

I smiled politely, trying to stay calm. "I know, but, I mean, not to be rude, but why are you here?"

His smile faded as a confused look draped over his face. He let out an uneasy laugh. "Um, this is my house?"

I could feel my eyes widen. My jaw practically dropped to the floor. "But- I-" I never put it together. Our last name was the same, and we resembled eachother. "Wait, are you my brother?"

He laughed. "You didn't know about me? We're twins!"

"How come nobody told me!?"

"Come on, you couldn't figure it out?! You look like me with long hair. And we have the same last name!" He responded. He was right. All of it was true. 

I shrugged. He then offered to show me around as I nodded.

forever and always. (Matthew Espinosa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang