chapter twelve

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I woke up at 5:30 to Cameron jumping on the foot of my bed shouting, "Kyra, Kyra! Get up! It's day one!" And as he said, I got up immediately. Not because I'm a morning person, I'd normally be really mad at him for waking me up so early, but because I was really excited to meet everyone today. 

I got up and dressed myself, then made my way down to Matt's room. Cameron was off doing something with the Jacks, so I needed someone to hang out with for a while. I knew Matthew was like a little kid with this stuff, he got so excited, so I figured he had to be awake, too. I knocked on his door, and Aaron opened it, "Oh, hey Kyra," he said with a tired voice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, did I wake you?"

He chuckled as he rubbed sleepers from his eyes, "No, Matt woke me. An hour ago. He wanted to come down and get you, but I didn't let him."

"That's Matt!" I laughed, "thank you. So, Cam went out with the Jacks, do you and Matt wanna do something?"

"Actually, Taylor's gonna meet us here in like 20 minutes, do you wanna hang with us?"

Taylor. I already knew Taylor didn't like me. "Um, no, that's alright, I can call Eva or something."

Matt suddenly popped up behind Aaron, already wearing his outfit I picked out for him, "Please?" His lip jutted out and he made his eyes huge.

I glared at him, I've already told him about Taylor and how I don't think he likes me. "Uh,"

Aaron cut me off, "Do you not like him or something?"

My eyes widened, "No, no! It's just, I don't think he likes me."

"I'm sure he does! He just doesn't know you! Come on, please?" Aaron begged, Matt made his puppy dog face behind him again.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "finee!" 

The boys lead me into their room and Aaron went straight into the bathroom to shower. Matt and I sat on the unmade beds and watched sports center until there was a knock on the door. Matt got up and answered as I kept my focus on the tv. Taylor wandered in looking down at his phone and began babbling about how many tweets he was getting. Once he was finally finished, he looked up from the little screen to see me looking at him. "Oh, um, hi." He immediately turned to Matt. "Why's she here?" He said a little quieter.

He shrugged in response, "Aaron and I invited her."

"Why?" Taylor spoke normally now.

Matthew shrugged again, "she's fun." Taylor huffed out a short breath and sat on the foot of the bed Matt was on. 

Once Aaron was all ready, we decided to walk around the line outside. We all knew we weren't supposed to see the fans very much before the event, but none of us really cared. We put on a ton of random clothing to see how many people would notice us, and not that many did actually. 

I approached Taylor as we entered the hotel lobby, "so are you excited?"

He slowly looked up at me as the air conditioning hit us, "duh."

I nodded, trying to think of something else to say, "Umm, so what's your favorite part?"

He stopped in his tracks, "Why are you talking to me?" 

"Um," I felt my face get red, "I'm sorry, I, I don't know, I just wanted to be friends with you."

"I thought I made it clear I didn't like you," and with that, he quickly walked away from me, pushing between Aaron and Matt. 

Matthew watched him storm away as Aaron followed him. Matt quickly turned around to see me stopped dead in my tracks. He hurried over to me, "what did you do?!"

"Nothing!" I threw my hands up in defense, my face felt even hotter than before.

"Then what happened?"

"I don't, I don't know, he just doesn't like me, I don't know why,"  I tried explaining. I wanted to know really bad, I needed him to like me. I had to get along with him.

 Matt groaned, "He doesn't just not like people!"

"Well I don't know what I did to make him not like me. Um, if you don't mind, can I just go back to my room? I'm really tired."

He stared at me for a second, then quickly looked down, "yeah, yeah of course."

I hurried up to my room. The door slammed shut behind me as I layed down on one of the two beds, hoping Cameron wouldn't be back for a little while. I tossed a tennis ball up and down as I thought about what I could've done. Maybe when he got off the plane I gave him a dirty look by accident? No, he wouldn't have gotten so mad about that. Maybe I used to hate on him online? No, I've always loved Taylor. I sat and just thought about everything that could've made Taylor hate me, and when I was done with that, I thought some more. I finally gave up after a while and started chucking the ball at the wall. I hoped that Matt would hear, and maybe come over.

When I heard a knock on the door, I knew he understood. I stood up and quickly shuffled across the room. I opened the door without looking and just turned and sat beneath the foot of my bed. Matt sat down next to me, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course. I just, um, can-"

"I'll go talk to him," Matt said, finishing my sentece. A smile spread across my face as I thanked him.

He left the room and within minutes I was joined by Cameron and both Jack's. Cameron looked surprised to see me, "oh, what are you doing back? I thought you went out with Matt."

I stood up from the ground, "yeah, we were all gonna go out for ice cream and stuff but You-Know-Who was there and it got bad so I came back here." Cam nodded in understandment.

The Jacks exchanged a look as to the remark about Taylor, but were smart enough not to ask. "Well, you can come hang out with us!" Johnson exclaimed, looking at the boys for agreement. Gilinsky nodded with a smile. 

Cameron interuppted, "um, I don't know if you'll want to Kyr." I cocked my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows, implying for an explination, "Nash is coming."

A ton of thoughts ran through my mind as I debated going. Well, Nash and I are going to have to work it out at some point.

"Wait, what's wrong with Nash?" Gilinsky asked.

I looked at him, "nothing, I'll go! But where are we going?" 

All three of them shrugged, "Hey, um, you guys go down to the lobby, we'll be down in a second," Cameron suggested. They followed his request and left the room. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"How did you know?"

"Matt told me, but are you sure you'll be okay?" he explained.

"Of course."

He looked at me uneasily, but I gave him a convincing look, and before I knew it, we were in the lobby waiting for Nash and Hayes.


Well that seemed like a quick chapter but nothing really fun happened. You guys are gonna like the next one though. Yuup. Oh and thanks for all the positive comments on my experience, you seemed as excited as me! And well, a lot of people have been messaging asking for my social media stuff, so I'll just put it here in case you're wondering. Thanks for reading guys!

instagram: @saramateya @espino_stop

twitter: @saraplusmagcon

forever and always. (Matthew Espinosa)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant