chapter seven.

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"Merry Christmas Kyra!" I woke to Cameron jumping on my bed landing on his knees. A huge smile was plastered across his face like a little kid. 

A smile crept across my face as I threw my covers away. Cameron quickly stood as we raced down the stairs and towards the tree that sat in the middle of the living room. I slid in my socks as my mother and father sat on the couch drinking their coffee and laughed. Cameron quickly came up behind me and pushed me, knocking me off balance. I giggled. 

"Morning, kids," our dad greeted us. 

"Can we open our gifts?!" Cameron and I shouted excitedly in unison.

They laughed a little more, "Yeah, go ahead. Open that green one first.!" My mom pointed towards a square box about a foot and a half tall. I ran over and tore the paper off, then Cameron opened the lid. A yelp came from a chocolate lab puppy sitting inside wagging it's tail. 

"OH MY GOD!" Neither of us had ever had a pet, so we practically flipped! 

We argued about the name all morning, then finally settled on buster. The rest of our day was like a normal Christmas in a normal family's house. Around 5:00 I got a text from Nash, "come outside."

I slipped on my new Ugg boots and walked on to the porch, wondering what he could want. Poking my head around looking for any sign of Nash, I notised a few rose petals laying on the ground. I walked over to them, then saw a few more. Leading me in a trail, I followed into the woods behind the house next door, which was Nash's. I looked up and found Nash with his hands behind his back. His bright blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight that poked through the trees above, and the blue button-down he was wearing only made them pop more. "Hi Kyra," he smiled.

"Hey," I smiled in return. 

 "Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you,"

"Alright, well I need to be back by 5:30-ish, but we can talk, what's up?" I replied, curious of what he was going to say.

He pulled a rose from behind him and handed it to me. I studied it, in shock, as I hesitantly reached out to take it. "Kyra, let me start with this," my eyes looked back up shyly at his, "the moment you walked into homeroom with Matt two months ago, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. You're beautiful." I could feel my face heating up. "I mean it, and when Matt introduced us I got really nervous. I didn't really know what to say to you. You intimidated me a lot." 

"I'm sorry I-" I began, but Nash cut me off.

"Don't say sorry, I don't want an apology," He paused, "Anyways, I got to know you after a while, and Kyra, your personality is beautiful too. You're an amazing person, and I fell in love with your innocence, the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you talk, you. I fell in love with you, Kyra Rose." 

My heart raced, my face felt hot, and I couldn't help but smile a little. Nash Grier just told me that he was in love with me. Wait, Nash Grier just told me that he was on love with me. This couldn't be real! This had to be a dream! I've been in love with him forever, this can't be happening! 

I glanced up at him, his eyes studied me. "I don't know what to say," I responded. What about Matt? I needed time to think. 

His face dropped a little. "Oh," there was a pause, "it's okay, I understand."

"No, no, I like you Nash, I just need time to think, can you give me that?"

The livliness that once sat upon his face was back, "Of course!" 

I pulled out my phone and checked the time, 5:28. "I should probably get going." 

He smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to you whenever." 

I nodded and leaned in for a hug. He wrapped his long arms around me and held me tight. His hugs were the best. After what seemed like half a second, but was probably a good minute, we dropped our arms, and I turned and left. I snapped my head back to see Nash smiling to himself. He was so adorable. I smiled to myself until I got inside. 

Hurrying, I tried to get upstairs to my room so no one would see the rose and give me a hard time about it, but sure enough, Cameron was walking down the hall and I couldn't hide it. "OOOH, WHO'S THAT FROM?!" he asked, loud enough for the whole house to hear. 


"Sorry, who's that from?" he whispered sarcastically. 

"Don't worry about it!" I smirked and ran into my room. He chased me.

"Come on, you have to tell me!"

"Make me." I laughed. 

He punched my arm, "Just tell me!" 

"Nash," I mumbled too quiet to hear.





"I can't be-" he was interuppted by a knock on my bedroom door. 

"Guys?" Matt's voice came from outside the door. 



Sorry I haven't updated. oops. Well I'm like 200 reads away from 10,000 reads, that makes me really happy, so thank you guyss. you da yaga. So anyways, Magcon's coming to New Jersey next month, and that makes me really sad because my mom said she wouldn't drive me three hours to meet them. I really want them to come to Boston cause she'd bring me there, so yeah, #magcontoboston? or nahh. Ugh you have no idea how bad I want to meet Matthew and Nash they're so beautiful.  Sooo yee, thanks. see yaah.

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