chapter five.

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"Kyra! Wake up!" I heard my bedroom door swing open as I recalled where I was. A smile slid across my face, then faded when I remembered the awkward conversation with Matthew. I began to dress myself in the outfit I picked out yesterday. It was my first day of school, so I wanted to dress nice, but not over-dressed. After making sure my faded jeans went with my holey sweater for the hundreth time, I swung my backpack over my shoulder and slid down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and inhaled the sweet smell of bacon and pancakes. Mmmm. I walked to the breakfast bar and saw Matthew sitting with Cameron.

I could feel Matt's eyes follow me. I stiffened up. He tried to make me comfortable last night, he really did, but I just couldn't. He probably thought I was mad at him. I  sat down on the other side of Cameron as Chef Pallo placed a plate with pancakes, bacon, and fruit in front of me. I smiled and thanked him. "Does he always do this?" I mumbled to Cameron, nudging his knee with mine.

He smiled and nodded, still shoveling pancakes into his mouth. 

As we made our way out the door to the bus stop, Matt spoke up. I hadn't heard him all morning. "You nervous?" I assumed he was directing his question towards me, even though he was staring straight ahead.

I nodded as I spoke. "Yeah."  I mean, I wasn't that nervous.

"Good. You should be. It''s brutal." Cameron informed me. A whole new level of worriness draped over me.

"Cameron!" Matt shouted, hitting his arm. He shrugged innocently

Matt must've seen my expression because he quickly tried to cover. "It's really not that bad," he explained shaking his head, "I mean, they're mean. Just stick with us, you'll be fine." 

I bit my lip and nodded. I was really nervous.

When I walked in to the huge school, it seemed as though every set of eyes was on me. I grabbed Cameron's wrist nervously. Suddenly a girl with sun bleached hair and a lot of eyeliner stomped towards us. "Who's she?!" she practically shouted at Cameron, as her arm flung in my direction, causing her Louis Vitton bag to slip off of her shoulder. A crowd was starting to gather. I looked around nervously. Matt reached down and grabbed my hand. 

"She's my sister Brittany." he repied calmly to the girl. I was assuming that was her name. 

Brittany looked me up and down and giggled nervously. "Oops, sorry Cammy." she moved closer and grabbed his shoulder. Cammy? Gag. "I just get so jealous because you're so hot and other girls are over you!" 

He never told me he had a girlfriend. "We're not dating anymore, Brittany." He stated and pushed through the crowd of people. Ohh, makes sense. Matt's hand was still grasping mine, until we got to a more private hall. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my class schedule, studying it over. 

"We have the same schedule. Your mom made sure we did, since siblings can't be in the same classes." Matt explained. 

Thank God. Things seemed to be normal between us, he really was good at making things                non-awkward. At least I'd know someone. The bell rang as Cam gave me a hug and began down the hall the opposite way. I looked at Matt, imiplying for guidance as he was looking at his shoes. He looked up and found my smirk on my lips, as I waited. "Oh! Um, homerooms this way!" We walked down the hall, hip on hip. I didn't want to lose him.

We turned a few times, then walked into a big classroom. Again, all eyes were on us. I guess I needed to get used to that, considering I was always gonna be with some of the most famous Viners in the world. A few pwople approached Matt and started taking selfies. "Matt! Over here!" a boy's voice shouted. Matt turned, grabbed my hand, and pulled me over to the voice. 

"hey Nash" he waved and smiled as we approached the table with a few open chairs. 

"Are you kidding me?" I shook my head in shock. 

Nash shot his crystal blue eyes at me, then Matt, smirking. He stood up. "I'm Nash, and you are?" he stuck his hand out.

I shook it, as electric sparks ran through me, almost as much as when I had met Matt. I guess I got used to meeting famous people because I didn't stutter. "I'm Kyra" I smiled sweetly.

He looked at Matt again. Matt shook his head slightly. Were they like telepathic or something? Nash widened his eyes, as if he was amazed by something, and smirked. 

"I don't think I've seen you around before.."

"I know, um, I moved here from Califonia." I explained.

"Maan, she's Cam's sisterrrr." Matthew blurted out motioning to me with his hand, as if he couldn't hold it in any longer. 

He slowly nodded, "Ahhh, so you're the myseterious twin."

I blushed and nodded.

Nash pulled out a seat and we talked basically through all of homeroom.

We had the next couple of periods together, but when lunch came, I was totally lost. I hadn't really talked to Matt much since me and Nash were talking a lot. I tried including him in our conversations and stuff, but he always seemed to be busy doing something else. All he did was respond with one-word phrases. I was following Matt in the hallway, since Nash was in a seperate class. I was sort of just trailing behind him, until I got lost in a sea of people. 

Once I arrived at the cafeteria, I wandered into the lunch line. When I finally got my crappy, greasy pizza, I stood on my tip toes, trying to look over everyone's heads. I don't really know who I was looking for, probably Matt or Cam, but I just knew I wasn't gonna sit alone my first day here. I hadn't really had much time to meet new people, since Matt and Nash were famous and they really only talked to eachother and just a few more people. 

I saw Matt, Cam, and Nash all sitting together at a table with a few other boys. I walked over and asked if I could sit between Cam and Matt. 

"Why don't you go sit down there with Nash?" Matt responded, "You two seem to be getting along great." He had a sarcastic tone in his voice. 

"What's your problem" I mumbled as I turned to walk down to the empty seat next to Nash. I sat in silence the rest of lunch, slightly picking at my pizza. I lost my apetite after Matt snapped at me. I wanted to know why he seemed upset. He and Nash were friends! It's not like I'm best friends with his enemy! 

"Why did Matt snap at me at lunch?" I asked Cameron as we walked home from the bus stop, completely changing the subject.

He looked me in the eye, then looked at the ground. "I don't know." he mumbled.

I stopped in my tracks. "Cameron. Why did Matthew snap at me at lunch?" I said louder, more in the tone of a demand than a question. I could tell he was lying. 

He turned and looked at me. "I don't know!" he threw his arms in the air, but still wasn't looking at me. 

I groaned. 




Sorry I hanen't updated in a while! School just sucks, yanno? I'm probably gonna be able to write a lot more now that I'm out of school for a couple weeks. Sooo yea. Leave your comments, keep voting, and reeead! Haha yea anyways, Matt opened his PO box a couple days ago! I've been working on his gifts non-stop! Nash's too! Haha yeaaa well byeeee.

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