15. Heavy Heart

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Short and not detailed chapter, but that's because of Evelyn's confused head.


Evelin's POV:

"How did you do it?"

"Do what?" He doesn't even blink after asking that. Monotone words are coming out of his mouth, but the only feeling of life is evident in his eyes. He looks as if someone has drained all of his energy.

"That... thing. I don't know. The film. The movie. It was deleted. At least I think it was. Whatever it was, how did you do it?"

I am aware of the fact that I do, indeed, sound desperate, but does it look like I care? I can't do anything about it. I have to get some answers. Why am I the only one in this damn place, who doesn't have control over anything? Everyone seems to be just fine with whatever they are doing, and here I am, the messy psychiatrist whose life is not in control, or whatsoever.

"I didn't do it."

Yes, you did. Of course you did. Who else would have deleted the film if it wasn't you?

Even Jin was surprised when the film showed nothing, but Jungkook standing in Jimin's room. He was doing absolutely nothing, other than staring at a wall. The most disturbing part is that this was going on for a good eight minutes, not that we watched the whole tape.

I don't let my anger spill all over Jimin. He looks like he could use a good night's sleep, and that is why I pretend to believe him. He knows I don't believe him, though. By this point Jimin knows me well enough, to realize that I am not that naive... I hope.


As if he is reading my mind, he tells me: "I want to sleep now. Let me be alone." My patient is unusually cold. Not only towards me, but also in every movement he is making.

"Good night." He doesn't say anything back. That is until I am standing outside of the room, with a hand on the door handle.

"Take care, Eve."

When I close it behind me, I freeze in my tracks. There are three reasons for that:

1. Why does he tell me to take care? Is there something I don't know, which I should?

2. Why did he sound normal again?

3. This is the first time he has called me that


Although my confusion is greater than my anger, my rumbling stomach is a greater feeling than all of them. It's getting late, and the only reason for why I showed up today was to give my statement and then, supposedly, watch the recordings.

Did that happen, though?

Well, it did. To some point at least. But it also did fuck me up a lot.

After the meeting I haven't seen Jin, but I can only imagine how confused he is right now. Jungkook left the room immediately, after the realization set in. At first he did try to argue, but nothing good came from it.

"There has to be a mistake."

"What is this? Is this some sort of a joke? Huh?!"

The frustration was clearly written on Jungkook's face. I feel bad for him now, but then I was just as confused as him.

Grabbing my jacket in my office, I breathe out. Something is odd. Well, by this point I believe that many things aren't the way they are supposed to be.

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