Damed to begin with

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The world is full of surprises that you would've never found possible 

Maybe you don't know why.

But i do.

Its full of darkness and light both trying to get a full bite on humanity.i would know this because i am darkness and he is light .And for years we have both been damed to begin with.

Darkness hated light.

And light hated darkness.

We were both damed to begin with and yet like fools we tryed.Tearing though my what i would hardly call family came easy to me.But was tragic to light.For how could it not he was an angel.What was i expecting.But he loved me and that was his mistake.i had made him mine he was now my fallen angel.And now i had to protect him.Angel or not i still loved him and was willing to push aside my demonic needs and desires for him.

I was changeing i could feel it.

He was changeing me but i didn't mind.

I loved him too much.

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