Angels vessal

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I woke up in the middle of a grassy field. There were children running around.Quickly I got up.

I was on earth.

I was pushed onto earth.
I needed a vessal to walk around in.I had dropped my sword somewhere on earth during my fall.I could not let it fall in the wrong hand.I quickly began to search hiding in the light shining out of the multiple street lamps.
I watched as many young people walked by but one that caught my attention was a young boy with brown hair and ocean blue eyes.I followed him home and watched from his window as he pulled a blanket over an young sick women.She didn't have much time left on this earth.sadden I decided to help.this boy had a pure heart.He didn't deserve this.
I had completely forgotten about a vessal and I waited for him to leave the room when he did I came in.Floating through the walls.I stood besides her gently laying a hand on her forhead.I cleared her blood from the killer.I stood at her side for a minute watching as she slept.
"Wh-..who ar- are you". I heard a scared voice squeak from behind knife in hand.
"Don't worry child I have saved your mother from her shackles of death"
"What are you?"
"I am an angel of god".
"Bullshit get out of my house before I call the poli-".
The sound of a phone ringing interrupted him.He held the knife out in front of him as he reached for the phone.
"Hi" she whispered in a shaky voice
"Hi is this Sean Mcloughlin?"
"Uh yes"
"Hi Sean this is Dr.McCarthy and we just got the results of yesterdays blood test and your mother no longer has any signs of any cancer of ever being in her system."
"No way are you seriously"
"Yes Mr. Mcloughlin it's a miracle"
He turned and faced me shock and happyness tugging at his face.he dropped the phone and his knife.
"Did you do that"
" Yes"
"How did you do it"
"I erased all of it from her body and blood so all blood that she had inside and out was cleansed".
He began to cry tears of joy streaming down his face
"Thank you so much you can't believe what you have done for me I will never be able to thank you enough".
"There is one thing that you could give me that could be highly appreciated."
"You saved my mother I will gladdly do anything"
"I need to borrow your body"
"My body?!"
"Only for a couples months or so until I find what I am looking for."
He looked sad and stared at the ground.He didnt speak for a minute.
"Will my mum miss me?"
"Yes but she will be protected"
He took a long pause before answering.
I nodded and entered his body.
I opened my eyes.
Extending my arms and moving my felt strange to be a human.But I ignored the feeling.
I stepped out the window and onto the cement floor.I needed a name for anyone who asked.I thought for a moment.
Jack was nice.
I took a deep breathe I had a sword to find and I didn't have enough time.

I know its awful but thanks for reading it anyway I really do hope you enjoy this even if it is terrible.Anyways enjoy!!!!!!!!
🎆NEKO-CHAN OUT!!!!!!!🎆

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