"I hate you too"

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"Jack.....we should get moving"
I began to unwrap my arms from his body when I felt jacks hands squeeze tighter around my waist.
He lifted his head from the position on my chest and looked up at me with his big blue eyes.
Dammit why was he so cute?
"Mark hold on"
Before I could question a bright white light engulfed us.
I felt as if my body was being heated up from inside.
I opened my eyes to see a tall buildings surrounding us.
I looked down at jack to see that he still had his arms wrapped around my waist.
I chuckled at the sight.
"Jack where the hell are we"
Jack let go scanning the area with his eyes.
"New York"
"New york!"
"Not really"
"Why not?"
"Because we still have demons and angels trailing us."
I watched as he searched the alleyway in which we were standing.
"We need a place to hide in for the night."
I began to search the area.
The alleyway we appeared in was dirty and wet.
Trash and mold lined the edges of walls.Making it hard to walk in.The aroma that the alleyway wasn't too bad.Compared to the smell of bloody burnt rotting human flesh.Now that was disgusting. Somehow other demons could stand the smell.Well it was what hell smelled like.
But I guess I was a different type of demon.
One who didn't like filthy things.
Maybe that's why I liked virgins.
They were so clean and pure.
Like angels.
I looked over at jack who starring at an tall building.
I chuckled.
Maybe that's why I'm attracted to angels.
I mean they were nice.
My eyes trailed from his face to his ass.
God I really want to fuck him don't I.
Of course I do.
I snapped out of my thoughts to see jack pointing at a building.
"I  think I found a place!"
I sighed walking over to where  jack stood.
"What ya find buddy"
"Look its empty and under construction so no human would be walking in here"
The building was tall and grey.
It looked fine from out side but it looked like shit from inside.
But it would do right?
"Great....now what do we do now genius?"
"We plan"
"Plan?.....you mean you didn't have a plan when I meet you?!"
"Well..... It was in progress"
I scoffed and sat down onto the cement floor.
"You know what Jack...... I wanta fuck someone I'll be back"
I began to get up but Jack shoved me back down.
"Not until we have a plan"
I put on my most innocent face and slowly wrapped my arms around jacks waist causing him to fall down with me.
"But if I don't, I'll start fucking you and I'm pretty sure angels don't like being fucked now do they?"
"Mark quit goofing around we need to start with the plan, we don't have all night"
"Com'on jack just give me five minutes"
"Mark Com'on I'm serious"
Smirking I whispers into his ear
"I know you are"
I slid my hands into his pant causing a gasp to escape his lips.
"Yes baby"
"M-mark s-stop it!"
I wrapped my hand around his dick.And began to stroke him as I licked his soft neck.
I felt jack squirm in my arms but I ignored it and continued to stroke him.I began stroking even harder and faster.
Causing jack to bite his lip and throw his head back.
I knew he was close.
Smiling I let go.
"M-mark why did you stop?"
"Stop what?"
I chuckled when I looked down at jack seeing the huge obvious boner.
He looked down and saw this as well causing him to blush.
"What did you do to me mark?"
"What me?!"
"I have no idea what your talking about"
Jack stared at me his eyes huge with fear.
"D-did I j-just sin?!"
"Well....I didn't stick my dick in ya so technically your still a virgin...but you want to I can"
"Okay then geez was just recommendation"
"How do I get rid of it"
"Get rid of what?"
I chuckled as jack squirmed around in my arms.
"I-it hurts....it f-feels unpleasant"
"I know"
"M-mark!....g-get rid of it!"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay then"
I slipped my hand into his pants wrapping my hand around his dick I began to move.Slow at first to tease him but I began to move more quickly when jack began to moan loudly.
I felt Jack hands grip my wrists tightly.
I smiled and continued to move my hand.
Until I felt a warm liquid slide down my hand i let go.
"How was it jackaboy"
Jack didn't answer but rested his head on my shoulder.
"I hate you"
"I do too jackaboy"
"Go to hell!"
"Already have!"
I laughed seeing jack so  flustered.
"Com'on you liked it didn't cha?"
"I hate you"
"You know you love me"
Jacks grip tighten on my shirt as he dug his face deeper into my chest.
Damit he was too adorable.

Sorry for taking forever to update!!!
Please forgive meh!!!!
NEKO-CHAN is sorry!
Hoped you enjoyed.
Sawyy again.....baiiii!!!

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